The 1975 Prophecy revisited

by somebodylovesme 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebodylovesme

    Thanks for the answers!

    Yes, it's for an ongoing project. I made one presentation already, using some Communication theories to explain the strategies used by the Society -- primary the theory of Image Repair Discourse (circa Benoit). I would like to expand my project to look at numerous religions, including the Witnesses... I'll keep you all posted. ;)

  • BluesBrother

    Nothing sensational here, but I think that I felt the same as the majority of dubs.

    Several of our elders were really excited about the date in the years approaching ' 75. I clearly remember one platform talk in which one of them said.

    " Of course the date is not guarunteed, but I cannot imagine brothers, that Jehovah would allow his people to be so very wrong about an issue such as this"

    We all believed that it would come in that year, or perhaps soon afterwards just to make a little test on his people. I knew one brother who leased a house just until 1976. Someone gave up his job to Pioneer , although he got it back afterwards .

    Personally I never said any more than what was written, "That we might expec,t but have to see......." but deep down I agreed with the elders that It had to come soon.

    Because we thought that it might go a little over, "As a test", we were not too worried on Jan 1st 1976. Expectations were still high .

    It was a gradual realisation that it was all hype . And by then we were thinking differently.It was a mark of "Maturity" and honour to say that we were "Not serving just until a date " , only spiritual babes and selfish paradise seekers would quit because of a date . We were made of sterner stuff...

    Deluded fools that we were.

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