New explosives found on Spanish Railroad

by donkey 32 Replies latest social current

  • donkey

    From Reuters News Service:

    Bomb Found on Spanish High-Speed Rail TrackBy Adrian Croft
    MADRID (Reuters) - A bomb was found on a high-speed rail track in central Spain on Friday just weeks after 191 people were killed in suspected al Qaeda bombings of four packed Madrid commuter trains.
    The discovery disrupted travel as millions of Spaniards prepared to leave cities for the Easter week holidays and came on the day a new session of Parliament opened following last month's elections.
    Interior Minister Angel Acebes said the bomb was believed to contain between 22 and 26 lbs of explosives, probably dynamite.
    It was found in a bag under the rails of the high-speed train line connecting Madrid and the southern city of Seville. The explosives were connected by a cable to a detonator, he told a news conference.
    Acebes gave no information about who may be responsible for planting the bomb, saying the explosives would have to be examined. A railway employee spotted the bag near the city of Toledo, about 35 miles south of Madrid, and alerted authorities who sent explosives experts to the scene to deactivate it.
    Services on the Madrid-Seville AVE service were halted while all the track was checked, Acebes said.
    On Thursday night, three letter bombs addressed to Spanish media organizations were intercepted at a mail distribution in Zaragoza, northern Spain. Police explosives experts defused two of the letter bombs and blew up a third.
    An Interior Ministry source said authorities did not know who was responsible for the letter bombs, which were addressed to executives at newspaper La Razon, radio station COPE and broadcaster Antena 3.
    The rail bomb, and the discovery of three letter bombs, kept nerves on edge in Spain and in the markets after the shock caused by the March 11 train bombings -- the first attack in the West linked to Osama bin Laden?s al Qaeda network since the September 11, 2001, strikes on New York and Washington.
    On March 11, two of the trains exploded at or near Madrid's Atocha station, which is also the terminus for AVE services to Seville. State television said access to the AVE departure lounge at Atocha was closed on Friday.

    Was the newly elected Spanish Socialist party to blame for lax security? Nahh...

    Was George Bush to blame - since he is blamed by some leftists for everything evil these days? Nahh...

    Who is to blame for this? Is Spain now free of terrorism? Are they better off?

  • bisous

    disgusting ...

    As far as your questions.... the political leaders are in positions of responsibility during their watch. If their actions are not approved of, elections will always take their toll. That's how the system works.

    Politics will always be corrupt at some level. No party is clean. They have all contributed to the reasons we are in this mess today.

    *all my opinions, of course*

  • Shutterbug

    There are some people in this world who are evil. Rather simple statement but some folks just don't get it. You would have thought all Brits would have learned by their experience prior to WWll. Do you suppose they read their history in the UK about a fellow named Chamberlin??

  • Simon

    Well it surely puts paid to the rediculous accusations that the Spanish have appeased terrorism doesn't it?

    Of course Bush is not directly to blame but the previous Spanish governments decision to support his dubious reasons for war may well be a contributing factor.

    Tell me, is Iraq now free of terrorism? Who is to blame for that? Saddam (still)?

    I think your assertions are rediculous.

  • Simon

    A more sensible and logical reason for the bomb could surely be the arrest of so many terrorist members who conducted the previous bombing?

    But hey, how can this be? This wouldn't fit in with the new republican world view that Spain is now a weakling nation of terrorist appeasing liberals would it?

  • kls

    Thank God , they were found and no one was hurt.

  • heathen

    It looks like they did a good job of preventing catastrophe. I always felt the US could have done better to prevent 911 but it's clear to me they let it happen so they can try to justify their moves to invade Iraq and afghanistan .

  • donkey


    You took the bait and swallowed it (proverbially speaking of course)...

    I am not a republican, that's the problem when you only have a simplistic black or white view of the world....left or right, black or white, ying or yang.

    I think the leftist "play nice" and the right-wing "my way or the highway" attitudes are completely silly. Of course since you immediately assumed that my assertions were those of a republican you painted me with your "I hate the conservatives" broad brush. Now I am not weaseling out of things..perhaps you do well to educate yourself on what a Libertarian truly believes and you might view me differently also I am not pro the Iraq war for instance...ahh surprise. The war was ill conceived and should have been internationally sanctioned as the removal of a dictator if we were to remove him at all - not an irrational fear based mess, such as we have now.

    All things being said I am just as content for my country to go totally isolationist (esp. with the check book...that's a cheque book for you). Let the world sort itself out and if anyone messes with us on our territory then take them out. Iraq has NOTHING to do with terrorism...I think we both agree on that simple precept.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Of course the solution for Spain is very simple..... hold another election and vote in Al Queda....

  • Realist


    i think you are not aware of the rules of the game...your politicians give a flying shit about you and the other average americans (except for the purpose of reelection of course) and YOUR money. do you think the US is involved in so many conflicts because the politicians want to help the people of the respective country?

    the truth is there are only two forces at work here...number one are a bunch of industrialits who make the profits out of the US interventions (for providing the weapons, steeling the resources of the respective country, using the cheap labor etc.) and the second group are zionists who make the US taxpayer to pay billions each year to protect and equip israel.

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