4 year old pushes religion on my kid...

by flower 46 Replies latest social family

  • Princess

    I know you were really asking Flower, but here are mine!

  • LittleToe


    I love the way Zoe is discreetly holding down her top, whilst swinging from one hand. That is just so cute. LOL

    I've posted it before, but here is a pic of my two wee nephews (and I've just recently heard that there's another one one the way):

  • flower

    LT, point taken :). Adorable nephews!

    Cute kids Princess! I've got to get a new scanner so I can get some of our pics from disney on here. This ones from the digital cam.

  • Princess

    LT your nephews are adorable. I love the names too.

    Flower, your little boy is really getting big. I think I've been here too long! I remember the little toddler pics you were posting...

  • willyloman
    On a more serious note, I think the best thing is to say that people believe different things, that no one's been to heaven and back, so we don't know if it's real, but that some people feel better thinking of someone, even a pet that died, in heaven alive and happy instead of being dead. Tell him the other little kid is entitled to believe what he wants, but just 'cause he says something doesn't mean he's right as he's a four year-old kid.

    What a concept!

  • LittleToe

    Darn that kid is cute.
    What is it about the ex-JW genepool that produces such wee darlin's?

  • Princess
    I love the way Zoe is discreetly holding down her top, whilst swinging from one hand

    Or maybe she wanted the "Girls Rule" printed on her top to show! I was surprised she did that, she doesn't mind wearing crop tops and the only time she thinks I look remotely stylish is when my midriff shows. Ah, the joys of a groovy five year old. She gives me fashion advice...not that I'm asking.

  • Mulan
    the only time she thinks I look remotely stylish is when my midriff shows.

    Remember when she thought the only time you were stylish was when you wore a dress? ........or a skirt?

    She is a little fashion princess all right. I usually can't go wrong buying her something that is very much in style. She won't hesitate to veto it though, if she doesn't like it.

    You usually can't go wrong taking fashion advice from your daughter. By the time you were 5, Princess, you had a clearly defined sense of what you would, and would not be seen in. Gone were the frilly, girly dresses, and on with the "teenage" looking clothes. You had your own taste in clothes, for sure. I had to make a lot of your clothes because they simply didn't have what you wanted in the stores. You would show me clothes you liked, and they were in the Junior's department. So we had to go find a pattern and fabric so I could make one in a size 6 (children's). It was fun, and you loved it.

  • Princess

    What a great mom. Now they have stylin' clothes in a size 4, sometimes you can get them in baby sizes which I think is a little sad. At least I don't have to sew.

    There have been many articles in the paper lately about the Princess movies and how popular they are with "Tweens". I had thought that "tween" (between child and teenager) was considered about 9-12...nope it's 5-12. Little girls like Zoe trying desperately to be teenagers at 5. Thank god she still likes little girl things too.

    This brings me back to the subject...sort of. One of the little girls in Zoe's class goes to the baptist church behind us. Her family rents a house from the church and is very involved. She never actually talks about religion with Zoe but I've caught her teaching Zoe some very inappropriate things. She came over to play one day and I had to get the key to unlock the bathroom where I found them stripped and the friend was giving a massage. I caught that one early on so I'm sure nothing happened...I asked. I wouldn't let them close doors after that and strictly forbade taking off any clothes. I was furious because she had told Zoe she was going to give her a massage after school and I told her absolutely not. She did it anyway and was hiding in the shower when she heard me coming. She also told Zoe that I'm sexy when I wear low jeans and my belly shows. Sexy is not a word that should come out of a five or six year old's mouth. I told Zoe that was totally inappropriate and the friend was out of line. I told her sexy is a grown up word and she was not allowed to use it. I won't allow the friend to come over anymore and there is simply no chance Zoe will be going to her house...ever. Fortunately she is bossy as hell and Zoe can't stand playing with her so I don't have to deal with any uncomfortable explanations to her parents as to why Zoe can't play with her. I realize her religion doesn't have anything to do with it but it's ironic that the most religious girl in class is now banned from my house due to inappropriate behaviour.

    They just know too much too early these days. Someone in kindergarten told Zoe that boys can marry boys and girls can marry girls. I have no problem with that but was surprised that she heard it at age five. I don't know when I learned about it but it wasn't kindergarten!

  • flower

    Wow I'm glad you banned that girl..who knows what she'll be up to in a few short years.

    Well at least I'm not alone. Its frustrating to me when my son comes home from preschool trying to sing some rude rap song this little boy in his school is teaching him. I'll be damned if I'm gonna listen to that all day long from a 4 yr old. I told him we dont sing 'angry' songs because music should make people feel good, not mad.

    Seriously though, if this is how fast kids grow up I really gotta get my sh!t together here.

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