The Passion of Davy Crockett (Jim Bowie Died For Our Sins)

by gitasatsangha 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • gitasatsangha

    anyone looking forward to "The Alamo"? Looks good. I hope they don't whitewash what it was all about. It might be a really good look into a very obscure event.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    On the History Channel last night they were highlighting it on "History or Hollywood". I looks to be the most accurate portrayal hollywood has done to date. After that show was a 2-hour Alamo special that was VERY interesting.... little known was great. I'm looking forward to the new movie.

  • Valis

    RIP Fess Parker...

  • gitasatsangha

    There was a tree a few miles from where I used to live where Daniel Boone hunted a black bear. He was so proud of the achievement (and considering how flintlocks were back then, he should have been), he carved into that tree

    "D. Boone cilled a bar on tree in the year 1760"

    it's still on the tree but its hard to read

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    The Alamo was an obscure event??

    Geez, dude, I wasn't raised in Texas but I wouldn't call the Alamo an obscure event...

  • wednesday

    i'm glad someone caught that. I live in Texas and it is not an obscure event. I believe my hubby is having a religious experience waiting for this move. He watched that history channel event and rewatched john waynes movie. he is deeply moved by it all. I started a thread but i guess no one saw it. jason patrick, jim bowie, was arrested for public drunkness and resisting arrest in austin the other night. posted bail on monday. They take the law serious here. don't mess with Texas( having some fun here , u guys) he tried to tell them who he was, but they were not impressed.

  • gitasatsangha

    I mean obscure in that there are a lot of issues regarding the alamo that never made much sense (i.e. why did Santa Ana allow reinforcements into the fortress, why do we celebrate a bunch of illegal immigrants dying to overthrow the local government and create another slave-state, how did Davie Crocket get killed)

  • Valis
    why do we celebrate a bunch of illegal immigrants dying to overthrow the local government and create another slave-state

    gita...I don't think I have ever seen you post something that absurd...Please read Texas the time the Alamo rolled around the conflict had evolved into something the people of the Americas were already used to...revolting from the rule of large empires. Mexico was seen as such IMO. So ya there were people who came to fight from the new US, but many of them were people with land grants and the sincere desire for autonomy. Just like the other states...except we became a republic...and one of the only, if not only, state to have an early caveat about being able to separate again back to a single republic at will. I could be wrong about many of the things I have stated, but do please read before you post stuff like that. Simply untrue and irrelevant to the time IMO. Also...visit this website if you are really interested..


    District Overbeer of the "Travis' Line" class

  • gitasatsangha

    My apologies Valis and anyone else from the Lone Star state. I'm just bummed, really I am.. all the good Tennesseans left getting you Texicans your big state, and all we were left with was Hank Wililams and his morphene bottle. I was trollish. Satan made me do it.

    Please accept my apologies with this find stolen image of a bunch of Yellow Roses, and while I am at it, I wish to ruin Emily Dickenson's poetry by stating for those who didn't already know that every one of her poems ever published can be sung to the tune of Yellow Rose of Texas. It's fun and sounds good with Concertina.

    I'm really really sorry.

  • wednesday

    hey from what history says, there were a number of Tennessee guys at the alamo. thanks for the help.

    I hubby is having what I can only be called a "religious experience" regarding this movie. he has watched John waynes' "alamo" several times and is watching all the TV promo's for it. He gets misty eyed everytime he hears music for the old movie. He did not react to the passion of the christ like this.

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