Give Me Truth or Give Me Misery

by Satanus 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    You know, i'm envious of some people who are at home and happy in a group situation. I miss not being part of a group. But, i see no group that is lead by truth. Of course, i realise that that is only my view. But, i would rather learn truth for myself than be lulled along in a group mind. If misery accompanies truth and the search for it, then so be it.


  • Maya

    Good mornin' SS -

    Me too; I miss the group thing. Over the past couple of months I have been thinking about seeking out a "group", but where??? I can't even begin to tell you how many weddings and funerals I have not been able to attend because I can't set foot in a church. I just cannot do it. And yet, I guess I don't trust myself enough to find "truth" on my own. I end up confusing myself into a migraine.

    This is probably a stupid question but are there any "offshoots" of the JW's? I mean formally recognized groups that meet in the same location, have meetings, etc.?



  • peacefulpete

    It is a major step to realize that being associated with a group DOES NOT mean having to share ALL the sentiments of individuals in the group. The value of group interaction is lost in an evironment where everyone thinks exactly the same. We are associated with a local peacegroup tho we don't share the opinions of some about passivism. We enjoy the conversation and discussion, being happy to be part of something that in the bigger picture is meaningful and progressive. Similarly because we love the earth we have found a home in the Sierra Club, tho we are often of a different mind about the specific plan of action required. This is a great and difficult change for those of us who were taught being "part" of an organization meant conformity. This is growth.

  • blondie

    Why not start your own group? Look for like-minded people who what to get together and study without being associated with a formal religion.


  • JamesThomas
    But, i would rather learn truth for myself than be lulled along in a group mind. If misery accompanies truth and the search for it, then so be it.

    Good for you. Truth, is not something new to believe in or have faith in; it is far too close for that. Truth, is our real identity; and is discovered via investigation into what we believe defines us -- alone. Groups, can be supportive, but can easily become a deterrent, a distraction from what can be a frightening journey deeper into alone-ness. j

  • frankiespeakin

    I think the quest for absolute truth is way over rated.

    What does it really matter???

    Will happen to you if you never find this truth? ,,,and what will happen to you if you really do?,,, Nothing that's what!!!

    Be happy to be the best you can be now,,be it learning more,,, about life or science or love or anything that grabs your attention,, if it will make you feel better about your life do it. Love as big as you feel you need to be,,see the beauty of now,,don't worry about some mythical god,, be happy it's a choice and a joy.

  • acsot

    I don't know if part of our brains are wired to belive that there is a "truth", or if that's just a residual part of the past dub experiences. Perhaps equating a feeling of togetherness resulting from a group effort with "truth" is not the way to feel about it. I'd rather have the feeling of community and friendship which results from meeting different people in various settings than having certainty about my belief system.

    The secular work you do doesn't facilitate meeting people with whom you can become friends. Where I work I've been able to make a few new friends who share the same interests as I do, be it animal welfare or cultural events like attending the opera.

    If my work prevented me from developing friendships and interests with a fairly wide range of people then I'd join other types of groups, not necessarily a church, though the Unitarian Church has some interesting sermons and activities like Tai Chi and such.

    When I'm able to have more free time, as in when I no longer will be taking care of my mother, I'd like to volunteer for that group that helps street kids, Dans la rue, and join an amateur astronomy club, perhaps a photography club.

    There are art classes and workshops. Vanier College has all kinds of stuff going on in the Continuing Education Department. You may find people with the same interests as yourself, and it's not too expensive.

    As for certainty of belief, or truth, I've given up on that.

    You have a PM.

  • itsallgoodnow

    SS, I can see what you mean by this. Part of being the social animal, I guess. I guess most religious groups are great for people who have no problems with going along with others' ideas. I think we all liked being part of the JW group at one time, or at least the idea of it. I guess when it comes to religion, I'm going to be a loner too, for now anyway. But you can have the group thing with any kind of group, ie volunteer group, etc.

  • Sentinel

    James is correct when he explains the real meaning of truth.

    This is the truth that will set you free, but there is no way one person can teach or show another how to find it. Jesus was a great teacher, but even his own deciples were perplexed and confused most of the time. The reason they followed him, was because he showed so much love and compassion, and led them by his goodness.

    I would say then, to look for goodness and follow that path. You will find the path constantly changes, and you will vere from it quite often, but you will also find your way back if you set your sights. When you do find your "truth", there will be no need to constantly search and seek for it. You will be overwhelmed by a total feeling of acceptance and realization that comes without a religious tag or social identity attached. You will know your spiritual connection with the one source and you will "let go" of all the entrappings of the human ego.

    Sometimes, we find ourselves quite lonely, misunderstood, labeled, shunned, and miserable on this path. (Jesus was just that.) But the inner peace and joy in realization is worth all of it--even the experience most all of us had in the JW belief system.


  • LittleToe

    It's a lonely road...

    I liked Sentinel's comments, above. Very applicable, IMHO.

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