H20 Blows it AGAIN!

by Farkel 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    Hello Rick,

    Why won't you post under your own name? Your writing style is pretty predictable. Oh, well, you might as well play here, because no one is playing "there." [):)]

    > Rick offered me a truce and I accepted it.

    : We even smoked the proverbial peace pipe together.

    Yep. We did.

    > I never said another thing about him on this board. He later broke that truce on SEVERAL occassions and slammed me.

    Yep, you did.

    : Never to my recollection have I slammed you after our "truce."

    Your memory has always been faulty when you've been caught, Rick. It's rather inconvenient that the old H20 archives are toast now. Or are they? Would you let me find a link where I can dig out the posts I have in mind that prove beyond any doubt that you did, in fact, slam me? Yes or no, or "there is no link anymore." If there is "no link anymore" then it is your word against mine, and guess who has the most credibility? Besides that, I'll bet someone either saved those posts or will come forward in my defense. Your memory will surely be jogged when the evidence comes forward, if it can come forward.

    : I recall mentioning names as examples of what I didn't want to see, and if you took exception to this, then I apologize for insulting you.

    Today you apologize. Thank you. I appreciate that. Tomorrow, you vilify me and others who lovingly gave our time to your board. That's exactly why I'm here and not there, my friend.

    By the way, comma, you never explained why your last post which I put on here today conveniently "disappeared." Why did it disappear, Rick? Who was responsible for that? Was it you? If so, why? If you felt bad about what you wrote, why weren't you honest enough to just follow up with an explanation like, "I really regret some of the stuff I said, and I apologize." Real humans do that, Rick. Phoneys and frauds try to make the evidence disappear (like the GB) and then hope that no on will notice. People notice. Kent did. You were busted. And you really haven't copted to anything except a few regrets about slamming me.

    Until you get TOTALLY honest and level with people like me who work very hard to be TOTALLY honest, I won't love you like I did.

    As if that mattered to you.

    Well, it matters to me, Rick.

    At any rate, welcome to the new international forum of "what's happening" in dubland, Rick. I hope you continue to post here. There are no moderators, per se. We get along just fine. We hate controlling folks. We spent enough of our lives around them. Welcome to a little bit of freedom of expression here. I swear from time-to-time. Get used to it!


  • Kent

    Hi Farkel,

    The comment was actually written by Norm - not by me. But else you're right. I have saved that piece of evidence for the future - and posted it on the Observer.

    If anyone do see anything like it again, please save it and send it to me ASAP. ;)

    Yakki Da

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Kent

    b]Hi M5

    You said to Farkel;

    Farkel. It was not Rick who moved the thread. I fiddled around and I don't know how to retrieve it.

    It seems like everything on H2O is a bit on the loose end. Censors (excuse me - Moderators - LOL) are "fiddeling around", and whole threads disappear! Isn't there some kind of training on how to use the "moderation tools" - or is it more than enough being educated in the "Window-Cleaning University"?

    I did let Roaming Feline know that it had happened because I did not want her to be upset or think she had been 'moderated'

    But she was! Her post was 'moderated' - you made it dissappear! If you hadn't "fiddled around" nothing would have happened - would it?

    Have you thought about the example you are all setting to new ones who may be quesioning the organization? By default, you are making the organization look right about those who leave.

    In the US I have noticed many starting a protest like: With all due respect. Well, that's not me. With no respect what so ever for those believeing they know everything better than the rest of the world, I believe what you're saying is pure and simple shit!

    Just because Farkel doesn't agree with paranoid lunatics, HE makes the Watchtower look right???

    Personally I don't give a shit how YOU believe, think, feel or hope I make the Watchtower look. Fac is: I don't make the Watchtower look like anything at all - and neither do Farkel. We're not JWs - and the Watchtower manages the job quite nicely without OUR help.[/b]

    People like you and Rick helps, though - in showing the world it's not healthy trying to pretend to be happy.

    If I had seen all this when I was first questioning the organization I would have never questioned again because they would have looked a lot safer.

    Well, relax. Everyone isn't as braindead as you are. After all, H2O isn't visited by anyone any more - and the reason is they don't trust you, Rick or anyone else running that board.

    The excuses and explaining away Watchtower Style you just did here - proves WHY people did leave.

    But none of you did get it, did ya?

    Yakki Da

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Kent


    I actually thought it was a good explanation by Rick of the development of H2O, and he brought out some good points.

    Whatever you're on - PLEASE send me some!

    Yakki Da

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • m5


    By the way, comma, you never explained why your last post which I put on here today conveniently "disappeared." Why did it disappear, Rick? Who was responsible for that? Was it you? If so, why? If you felt bad about what you wrote, why weren't you honest enough to just follow up with an explanation like, "I really regret some of the stuff I said, and I apologize." Real humans do that, Rick. Phoneys and frauds try to make the evidence disappear (like the GB) and then hope that no on will notice. People notice. Kent did. You were busted. And you really haven't copted to anything except a few regrets about slamming me.

    It was not Rick that moved it.

    I am responsible for that act.

    Rick was not pleased when he woke up and learnt what I had done!

    Please put the responsibility squarely on my shoulders where it belongs.

  • Jang
    Why won't you post under your own name? Your writing style is pretty predictable. Oh, well, you might as well play here, because no one is playing "there."

    I picked it was Rick immediately Farkel - not only because of the name he used but in his post he identified himself by what he wrote.

    CAIC Website: http://caic.org.au/zjws.htm
    Personal Webpage: http://uq.net.au/~zzjgroen/

  • Norm

    Hello Prisca,

    Having read the whole of Rick's post, as per what Farkel posted, I don't see a single mention of Farkel's name!

    So why post this? I actually thought it was a good explanation by Rick of the development of H2O, and he brought out some good points.

    I don't know if you were ever on H2O in it's most active day's. If your werent you are woefully ignorant about what was going on there and particularly what was going on there in it's lasr days that lead up to the mass exodus. Farkel and several others have every reason to be upset about Ricks behavior.

    Rick accused many of us who tried to give him advice that we wanted to track him down and kill him and produced one wild conspiracy theory after another. It was really ugly I can tell you. As we have all seen Rick is continuing to produce his insane theories and frankly Prisca, if you read Ricks latest but now deleted post and found that a "Good explanation" of anything at all, you really don't know much about the workings of H2O. That is the only explanation I can think of for your comments above, as I know you are an intelligent and capable person.


  • Farkel


    : It was not Rick that moved it.

    : I am responsible for that act.

    : Rick was not pleased when he woke up and learnt what I had done!

    : Please put the responsibility squarely on my shoulders where it belongs.

    Ok, then I apologize to Rick for having assumed it was he who moved it.

    However, I just looked at 10:30 a.m. PST time and that post wasn't put back up on H20. So if he is really so "upset" at what you did, then WHY hasn't he put that post back up on his board?

    I still smell a rat.


  • Simon


    RF ... I have to agree with M5 on this one .....

    Do you think M5 is really an H2O moderator? Maybe we should try and confirm this before we just accept what they are saying. What do you think?

  • waiting

    Good point, Simon.......


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