Moscow court rules against Jehovah's Witnesses

by izobcenec 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    Moscow Court Rules Aganist JWs
    suffered a setback from a June decision by a Moscow court ... - 3k - Cached - Similar pages


  • sf

    In relation, a new news item:

    TURKMENISTAN: "Shall we trust the president?" religious groups ...
    Forum 18, Norway - Mar 23, 2004
    ... unclear why President Niyazov – who rules Turkmenistan autocratically ... in retaliation for publishing in Moscow his novel ... 16 February that the city court in the ... :

    First portion contained therein:

    This article was published by F18News on: 23 March 2004

    TURKMENISTAN: "Shall we trust the president?" religious groups ask

    By Felix Corley, Editor, Forum 18 News Service

    Doubts have been expressed about the genuineness of this month's surprise presidential lifting of harsh restrictions on registering religious communities. But five groups – the Church of Christ, the Adventists, the New Apostolic Church, the Catholic Church and the Baha'i faith - have since the decree sought information about how to apply for registration, Forum 18 News Service has learnt. Other religious communities remain wary. At present only Russian Orthodox and some Muslim communities have registration, and these communities must now reregister. Unregistered religious activity is – contrary to international law – a criminal offence. The presidential decree will not affect the unregistered Baptists, who are persecuted for refusing on principle to seek state registration. Meanwhile the former chief mufti remains on a 22 years jail sentence, apparently for opposing tight presidential control of the Muslim community, and at least six Jehovah's Witnesses are in jail for refusing military service on grounds of religious conscience.

  • Shutterbug
    I do NOT like this one bit, JW or not. The WTS has a right to exist as a religion as much as any other, unless they present an imminent threat to the nation itself. As destructive as the WT was to us, They should not be banned.

    If the gov't wants to crack down on their child abuse and slave wages, however, more power to them

    I certainly agree with Badger on this one. This is indeed a slippery slope. If you start banning religions then freedom of religion will be a thing of the past. I hope this is overturned. Bug

  • ball.


  • Aikon

    Hi Guys

    I have a vested intrest in this issue with relatives from this part of the world. And the situation is simply the the Russian Orthodox Church has instigated all this legal issue against the Watchtower.

    This first happened back in 1991, and since then it has been building up. BUT it is not only against the Watchtower but against ALL Western or Eastern Religion.

    As the Russian Othodox Church feels threatened by other religions and hence wonts to ban them all.

    So as the Russian Orthodox church is very powerfull in Russia and has a political aliance with President Putnin, ( The Russian Orthodox Church told all its belivers to vote for Putnin), this issue or religous freedom will not go away.

    The Witnesses will eventually win in the European Court, but wether the Russians take any note is another subject. Today there is 133000 publishers in Russia.

    And all this religious freedom will only strenghten their faith, as the W/T is telling them that this attack is by Satan???????????????


  • Kenneson

    The banning of JW's could lead to a ban of more groups. That is not a good sign.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I disagree with Badger - I think the banning of JWs is something that will benefit the people of Russia.

    I have no desire to allow any Russian to suffer as we former members have (collectively) - the victims of sociopathic charlatans and liars.

    Societies are better off if they move AWAY from Superstition and mystical dreams of pie in the sky and TOWARD the exercise of their rational facilities.

    I challenge anyone to offer a list of the "benefits" to society that are unique to Jehovah's Witnesses, i.e., could not be found any other way. I'm certain there are none.

    ...I'll bet the boys in Brooklyn wish they still had their UN NGO status to help them along...

  • maxwell

    I just saw a short blurb about this on CNN. I couldn't find the story on CNN's website. On the CNN TV news they said among other things that they were ruled against because JW break up families. Very interesting.

  • JeffT

    As much as I despise the Watchtower Society (note: NOT witnesses) I do not like this ruling. As noted it plays into their hands, and it starts all of us down a slippery slope. I hope it is over ruled.

  • RevMalk

    They should be banned from every corner of the globe.

    More power to Russia!


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