HLC Documents Wanted!

by Kent 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent

    I need English HLC Documents!
    I would like to get documents on the HLC and anything related to the Hospital Nazi Patrols. I am fully aware they have at least 2 other committees, working with the same stuff - and I am naturally interested in anything related to these committees

    I have posted the rules for these committees in Danish, but I would like to have the English material as well.

    The list of members in the HLC system is being protected as if it was the "NWT Translating Committee".

    It would be a nice thing to post the names, phone numbers and addresses for every HLC member on my HLC pages on the Watchtower Observer.

    Can anyone help me?

    [email protected]

    Yakki Da

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Osarsif
  • Thirdson


    I have an e-mail from the WTS's Hospital Information Service in the UK in response to my questions about the blood doctrine. The e-mail address is generic but I have the guy's name.

    E-mail me and I'll send you my original and their reply.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • Fredhall


    You need a brain too.

  • Francois

    What the hell is the HLC?

    Please! Spell out the first use in any post.

    My $0.02

  • peterstride

    Hospital Liaison Comittee (I think I misspelled it, but that's what it stands for)


  • VeniceIT

    Why am I starting to get the feeling Freddy's watched "The Wizard of OZ' WAY too many times.

    Btw Fred, Kent's not the one who needs a brain, he's looking for a HEART!!!


  • Fredhall


    You should be outside and hold those stupid signs.

  • wheelwithinwheel

    Your data-base would be quite extensive to list all the members world-wide and I think it would probably serve about the same purpose as a world-wide list of elders. HLC members are presented as «highly trained professional health care specialists and consultants» but are simply elders chosen among those who have a flexible work schedule (pioneers, retirees or self-employed « janitors »). These brothers are «nominated» by their c.o. and the d.o. approves the appointment. Usually they are already known to, and used, by higher brass (assembly responsibilities, special comittees, etc....good «servants» in other words) The newly appointed HLC member’s training includes reading all the society approved documentation and following around a more experienced member. Then he is ready to meet the doctors and tell them how to operate on J.W. patients.

    HLC’s are established in most major cities. Local HLC meetings are held as needed to discuss Society policy and material, cases, new treatment and expenses. There is a presiding elder and secretary for each committee. The presiding elder coordinates efforts while the secretary looks after paperwork and accounts. Periodically the local committees are assembled to attend across-country seminars organized to review medical treatment available and watch video interviews of cooperative doctors. These seminars feature speakers who deal with crisis’s nationwide and are involved in preparing the literature for the HLC’s and the doctors, medical teams and hospitals that cooperate. While some of the speakers are experienced HLC members from large cities, most are introduced as being Bethelites living in Bethel or in apts. « looked after» by Bethel. I remember one speaker named Denis Charland (from the Toronto, Canada area perhaps) and I believe he mentioned he was involved in the writing dept.

    Local elders have a Society list of HLC members. I can’t recall if it is state-wide or country-wide (sorry I can’t check for you). HLC members have a binder which includes a country-wide listing of comittees and members by major center (city). Many hospitals (patient services) have lists, provided by the HLC, of members in their area. Any hospital specializing in non-blood surgery could probably provide you with a number of contacts.

    Getting to know who wrote what in the Society’s blood documentation would I think, be the equivalent of knowing who wrote which particular W.T article.

  • Kent

    I know it would be a lot of elders on the list, yes. 700 in the US of A allone.

    The fact is The Watchtower is very secret about the identity of these people, and in letters to BOE (Body of Elders) they write how the elders should hide the identity of these "Highly Trained Professionals".

    Anyway, if anyone can supply me with lists of names, that would be great. The fact the Watchtower do not want these names to be known, is a good reason for making these people famous.

    The list would be interesting - and there should be a discussion attached to the list - so that people could say what education these "professionals" did have.

    Except some crash course at the Window Cleaner University I guess most never attended any school at all :)

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

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