You're so Smart

by simplesally 18 Replies latest social family

  • simplesally

    Xena.............that's what I want to do! I do say she is pretty, its just I was noticing what was coming out of my mouth first. You are a good example!

  • confusedjw

    I like to ask my daughter -

    Is it better to be pretty or to be smart?

    And she always says-

    "Both silly Daddy"

  • simplesally

    Now BB gun is the smart one!

  • bebu

    I tell my girl, "You're soooooo cuddly!!!" And cuddle her.

    She giggles and bats her eyes.... She never argues about that!

    Is there a way to freeze time? Getting it, I don't want my daughter to grow up, either...


  • Odrade
    Shotgun ............... you're so smart!

    you're sweet too... thank you!


  • Sassy

    well I guess I will never have a chance to tell a daughter anything..

    my mom never said I was beautiful.... could be because I am her twin..

  • reboot

    I did'nt get the 'You're smart, you're beauiful you're amazing' talk either and it is really important to tell your children that, I know what you mean Sally; my girls are always teling me what they're going to do in the future and I have to stop myself from saying their aims are sometimes unrealistic because they have so much confidence.

    I think they have a lovely balance of confidence, great self image and inability to accept failure as an option.It's incredible that confident, happy kids are so easy to make, and so sad that alot of parents fall mess up their kid's lives. If you love them unconditionally, never be-littling their dreams and tell them how great it is to share your life with them they're going to be amazing

    I works both ways too though...last night I was a bit low and was singing really quietly to daughter (14) came up behind me and kissed my hair and wrapped her arms around me and said 'Oh, mum, you're so sweet! ' I love the way these georgeous, natural children we've made give it right back when they see we need it.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Never miss an opportunity to compliment her and praise her for good things she does. For good qualities she has. For her special talents. For how nice she was to her friends that day. Or the kind thing she said to her grandma. Or the gentle way she treats her puppy(if she has one) and helps feed him, etc. Tell her she is smart. Tell her she is pretty. Build good self esteem in her by holding her in high esteem.

    Let her know you are saving for her college or tech education. Help her create a vision of what she wants her life to be and help her find ways to plan for and achieve that vision.

    My parents divorced when I was 11. They had six good looking children with above average intelligence. We all have IQs in the 120-140 range. But we slipped between the cracks and no one ever mentioned there was money for college until it was too late. They should have been telling us that before we started middle school really.

  • freein89

    Did and still do tell my daughters they are smart AND beautiful, and witty and strong - strong is important too. I tell them these things because they need to hear them and because . . .

    They Are True!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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