Remember pain?

by Vivamus 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vivamus

    Do you remember pain? I mean, lets say you were in an accident years ago. Can you remember the pain you went through? Or do you just remember it hurt like hell, but it?s more of a knowing you felt it then, instead of actually remembering it?

  • Vivamus

    Lets try that again

    Do you remember pain? I mean, lets say you were in an accident years ago. Can you remember the pain you went through? Or do you just remember it hurt like hell, but it?s more of a knowing you felt it then, instead of actually remembering it?

    Well, I for one can?t remember it. About four years ago, I hurt my back, which resulted in me hardly being able to walk, using medication mixed with alcohol just to make the pain go away. I remember not caring if I lived or died when I swallowed yet another pill, just that I almost hoped to black out, so that I would feel nothing anymore.

    Over the years, as my back healed and I could walk, talk and jump without problems (well, okay, talking has never been a problem :p) I kinda began to think I was just being a big wuss and should have acted with a bit more zest and should have had a better attitude ? in short, I figured I was nothing but a whiner ?..

    Fast forward to the last few weeks. My neck and shoulders have been in knots ? stress of work, school and moving, all are taking it out on my muscles. And here comes the icing on the cake, when things go bad, something will happen to make it even worse ?

    Yesterday, I sat down, and lighting went from my lower back all the way to my right leg. I actually could not hold my own weight, and sat down, singing the reverse from Hallelujah from the pain. Did nothing but limping after that.

    So today, I figured I?d better phone my old doc, haven?t been there for over two years, but they remembered me, and I was told to get my silly ass over there. I stepped into his office, saw my savior and was grateful beyond belief when he said ?step right in?. I have never stripped so fast for a man before in my life. The doc told me to lie down on the table, and then the most agonizing ten minutes of my life began. Actually, I remember I have gone through this before, all those years ago?. Oh my god! Damn! That HURT!

    So now, I feel bruised and battered, still in pain, but a different one. I should be up and about in two days time, it should be okay then, I should be able to walk without limping then ?. *lol*.

  • SheilaM

    (((((((((((((((((Viv))))))))))))))))))) I hope you get to feeling better. I have had that happen before and I KNOW Thunder has.

  • Sentinel

    Thankfully, I have not been injured in an auto accident or anything like that. I have been thrown down a flight of stairs when I was younger, and bounced around the room a bit--thanks to my first husband.

    About thirteen years ago, all the stress of my life, the JW thing, etc., apparently transferred internally to my physical body, and I would get these horrific back spasms. They would hit me with no warning and the secondary injuries from passing out and falling is what was so difficult. Through the years, I continued to have these incidents, ramdomly, but none as bad as the first two. Aside from spasms, tests showed nothing wrong with my spine, etc. Since then, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

    It is strange when I think about it, but when the pain is gone, I forget about it. The first time I had the spasms in my back muscles, I was petrified it would happen again, and the memory of that pain stayed with me because I feared "it". When I asked the doctor if it would happen again, he said he didn't think so, so I totally forgot about it and relaxed. A year later, the second occured, which resulted in a badly cut mouth and a broken nose from passing out due to the overwhelming pain. Gradually, as the muscles in various parts of my body took turns "spazzing out", I grew to get a feeling of the onset and learned to stop whatever I'm doing and either sit or lay down immediately and just breathe and "feel" the pain. What I mean by "feeling the pain", is that I begin to try to describe what it feels like, and how it flows. I have learned to manage my chronic pain. I realize it is a lifelong condition I have to live with.

    But when I get a wee twinge, I immediately think "oh, no, not again", because I know how much the initial attack is going to hurt, and how it will side-line me for a couple days.

    I hope you can get some relief for sure.


  • Elsewhere

    I had a very serious injury that caused me to go blind in my right eye for several years. Right now I have limited sight using a artificial lens.

    Most people don't experience a serious eye injury and therefore do not know the pain involved. It is excruciating. Like no other pain I have ever known.

    Sometimes something will trigger a flashback to my eye injury and I will literally wince and turn away closing my eyes... sometimes reaching to cover my eyes.

  • JH

    Poor Viv. Maybe this injury will haunt you all your life.

    Hopefully you will recover completely .

    How did you hurt your back 4 years ago?

  • Vivamus

    (((Sheila))), thanx . It's not really a big deal now, I know it will get better, I have a magical docter, it just takes some time. Tho in the mean time it truly sucks.

    Sentinal, oh my god, I feel a bit ashamed complaining about my back, reading your story. Hugs and stay strong.

  • LyinEyes

    I have a mental list of some of the most painful things I have ever been thru. I would say , I most definately do remember the pain, as it makes me sick thinking of it and I cringe at the memories.

    #1.........Labor........many hours of no pain medication labor. The worst thing in my life, ever.

    #2.........Foot surgery , (2 times),, the healing part, getting stitches out, walking on it , etc.

    #3.........Uternine Biopsy........ I wont even go into details........ouchhhhhhhhhhhh!

    #4......... Spiderbite........didnt feel the spider bite me , but the wound was awful and lasted forever.

    #5........ Migraines........ Have had them so bad,,,, I wanted to have someone run over my head.

    #6........ Broken tail bone..........can ya'll tell I am a klutz yet....or just bad luck?????hehe

  • Vivamus

    JH, well, it will remain a weak spot for ever, as was so nicely reminded to me yesterday I hurt it years ago, by lifting osmething way too heavy. Then, I got bad therapy, which made it even worse. Two disks were out of place, and the muscles overstretched. Don't really know how to translate it ...

    Elsie, oh my, I cam't even begin to relate to that. I have hard contacts, and when something like a piece of dust gets under them, it hurts like the seventh realm of hell's torture. So to actually have an eye-injury, oh my, it must be horrible.

    Dede, I know those migraines, the moment when you actually wish someone would just give you a lethal shot, cuz you'd prefer that above the ongoing throbbing in your head ... ouch ....

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    You're number 1 is my number one. I never made *that* mistake again... having a child. It was, by far, the most painful and unforgettable experience in my life. I was a tomboy, with four brothers, and did everything they did. Have had massive cuts, bruises, lacerations, etc... but no broken bones. My second was breaking my pelvis in four places when I was 26. They actually tried to have me up walking the next day.. I cried. The painkillers helped, but after the supply wore off, it was just me and four breaks. I wanted to be dead. My leg was paralyzed for months. So miserable... I was called "Grace" in high school, if that gives you any clue to my talent in the ballet arts.

    However, that one-time injury has colored the rest of my life. I now have to go to the chiropractor every month to get readjusted. If I miss several months, my skeleton gets all wacked out and the muscles try to compensate to keep me in the upright position and I am literally in pain just for vaccuming the house. It's like an engine, one of the pieces gets bent and it just doesn't run right after that. Sometimes I let it go too long, and my back pays the price. Then it's several trips to the chiropractor, with admonitions to come in every month for maintenance before it gets too bad... and I just don't go because I feel just fine, until the next time.

    I still have that "tomboy" attitude. Life should just be easy, and fun, and no restrictions. As I've aged, however, I've realized that it just doesn't work like that. <sigh> My skeleton is shot to hell, and my skin looks like a tractor ran over it from the scars of a lifetime. That dog just won't hunt no more, even though the desire is there! And *all* those injuries, as have been mentioned before, come knockin on your door again and again, especially when you're tired! If I ride my horses, I pay the price for a couple of days.. lots of aches and pains, especially in the places where I was pained before.

    Believe me though... aspirin is my friend.


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