this has probably been mentioned before, but...

by LuckyNun 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maverick

    In one of the Management courses I took the instructor brought out a point that really struck me. He said, "If you hate going to bed Sunday night because you dread going to work on Monday morning, it is time to find different work!" One Monday morning, as I thought about my coming day, I told myself that I had to be home by 5 PM to be ready for Book Study by the thought of going to the Book Study a feeling of melancholy overcame me. And Book Study was my favorite meeting! What that instructor said came back to mind. I never went to a meeting again. And no member of the Servant Body ever called or came by to find out what happened. I was an MS in that Hall for over three years!

    I make more money, have more free time, travel, play with my cars and love my life out of the Borg. And my Sundays are mine! Maverick

  • Carmel

    I loved it when I was playing highschool sports and I was practicing or playing in a game and realized that if I were still a dubby, I'd be in one of those impossibly boring meetings...Never, ever, ever liked going to the meetings or our selling witchtower and afakes.


  • Sabine

    We made a positive out of a negative. Since we were used to having to do something on Tues/Thurs, we "religiously" work out at our local gym those nights. It's worked out great, we rarely miss our workouts, also we usually workout on Sunday mornings too...beneficial for little my arse!

  • xjw_b12

    Yes I dreaded Tuesdays and Thursdays. Those were the days, that I usually had to work late, which inevitably meant missing the meetings.

    I no longer go the KH. I no longer work late on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    And as I said on an earlier post. JW kids were the only ones who hated weekends!

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    how long did it take for you to like former meeting nights?

    I liked them the minute I stopped attending them, including Sat Service and the Sunday meeting

    It's especially sweet sitting home on Sunday and drinking coffee and reading.

    One Saturday morning I was driving to an appointment on a winding, scenic road after a snowstorm.

    The snow was sticking to all of the trees and had blanketed the ground with a wonderfully brilliant, pristine white snow.

    The sun was breaking through the clouds and trees with beams of yellow light.

    I looked at the clock and it read "10:20", & I knew some poor, JW sap was just counting down the minutes before he could ask the group to go on break.

    A huge grin broke across my face to match the warm feeling in my heart knowing that I was free and enjoying the day as I saw fit! .

    I am in the process of joining up to practice Aikido every Tues & Thu. It just happens that the days and times are the same as my wife's meeting nights.

  • joenobody

    This is all too true. We used to have Monday night bookstudy (not so bad as I either read or conducted) but Thursday night Minstry School/Service Meetings. These were absolutely painful days to wake up on. You felt a true sense of dread during the day knowing, but were relieved at the closing prayer when you could get out. We'd often go to Dairy Queen and hang out afterwards. I loved skipping the meeting to watch Cheers and then later Seinfeld. What made the Service meeting so painful was the fact that they could run so badly overtime on some of the parts, or that the meeting was a forum for the heavy brow-beating by the harsh elders, phony field service demonstrations etc.

  • Nosferatu

    It took me a while. I used to dread the words "Tuesday", "Thursday" and "Sunday". Those were the permanently marked days of the week. After a couple years of filling those days with wholesome activities, you tend to forget they're meeting nights. I used to think, "I should go visit my mother", but I then realized it was her meeting night. I'll have to tell her to make it more convenient for me to visit by not attending the meetings.

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