St. Paddies Day Apostafest -- Seattle

by Gretchen956 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gretchen956

    I would like to send the deepest thanks to doodle-v and savage buddha for their hospitality last night. I for one had a great time, for the rest of you that did not make it or lived in a different part of the country, savage buddha really knows what hospitality means, he puts on a spread, let me tell you! The man can cook!

    I for one know the amount of work that goes into something like this, and though I had to leave early, I just want to say again how much you two are appreciated.

    I had SO much fun! What a great group of people we have here in the NW.


  • Mulan

    It was really fun. We had some new faces there too, and good conversation and the food was amazing. So many good things to taste, and me on a diet. The wine was good too!!

    Even the children had a ball.

    Thanks again Doodle-v and Savage Buddah

  • Princess

    Definitely a great party. Thanks to DV and SB for all their hard work and great hospitality. We had a great time and both kids cried when we had to leave. Sign of a very good time.

    So, how's everyone feeling today?....Doc?


  • Mulan
    So, how's everyone feeling today?....

    Very thirsty.

  • Sabine

    The man can cook! Thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality Doodle V and Savage B, we all had such a great time. I was so glad our teenage son came along, he told us on the way home what cool people you two are.

    I'm terrible at remembering names/avatars, but I had great conversations with many there. What a diverse group, we all have had different painful experiences, yet the common bond was the mutual support and compassion we all have for each's a beautiful thing!

  • doodle-v


    ok, now im tearing up... sniff

    You guys are kewl! yeah it was work, but let me tell you it was definately worth it meeting everyone and talking to people and just relaxing and having a good time. That is what I really like about this board. For me its not about debating and arguing although some of the discussions I find quite interesting. But for me its when I form friendships with people and we become close because we share and know their pain. Its amazing to see people who have never even met get together and enjoy each others company. I guess we just love to entertain. It was a very special time which means there are more to come!!

    P.S. Gretchen I'm really glad you came and it was great meeting your brother! I'm sorry I didnt get a chance to say goodbye.

    Doodle-V and Savage Buddha

  • drwtsn32
    So, how's everyone feeling today?....Doc?

    LOL! Actually I didn't even get much of a buzz from the booze. And I drank quite a bit.

    What a wonderful party!!

  • drwtsn32
    I'm sorry I didnt get a chance to say goodbye.

    That's what happens when you black out on the Twister mat!

  • Badger

    Pictures pictures I want Pictures!

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