Prove I'm Not John Cleese-- no 4H-ers, please

by suzi mayhem 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • BugEye

    I'm your plastic pal thats fun to be with


  • AcapulcoGold

    mayhem - some sicko's been mailin' me:


    To Do List

    1) fix this when conscious

  • suzi mayhem
    suzi mayhem


    GOOD! :) I lOVED Marvin the paranoid andriod... and i loved data/lore, and i liked spock.. hmmm... maybe I have a thing for the synthetic unknown man... :)

    Another thing: You DID read the Caveat at the beginning of the thread, right?

    PMF: welcome to the pleasure dome.. :)

    AG: I got that one, too... Seems I actually saw that one performed live when I was a kid, instead of just in animated gif format.. .


  • RedhorseWoman

    I object! Logical stole my line!

  • JamesGlass


    I would like to know why I have not been included on your invite list. Am I not worthy of your childish little discussion? Please respond to this matter.

    I fear you have become insane with power.


    My house is made of brick, thank you. Your expression was not lost on me, however. I will try to "play nice" with Ms. Mayhem and not break the Mistress.


  • suzi mayhem
    suzi mayhem

    I make a move to also invite RedhorseWoman and PMF and include them on the revised guestlist.
    Any objections folks?

    D'oh.. Jimmy... Just saw yer post, ya bastad.
    Fine, I also nominate Jimmy for the guestlist, but with no friend priviledges. And understand this one, jim, I only nominate you cuz we could use a whipping boy...

  • AlanF

    Mistress of Moohem said:

    : The whole point of this thread is to weed out those with no sense of humor.

    Then why did you start it to begin with? You of all people have no sense of humor. Anyone who could manage to take themselves so seriously as to think that "Bonsai Kitty" is real certainly is lacking something. Whether it's sense of humor or just plain sense -- well, take your pick.

    As for insulting reasonable people like Riz and Englishman by putting them on your list, please cease and desist.


  • riz

    Hey- I made the coveted VIP list. Sweet.

    Thank you, suzi, for providing us with this 'lil piece of sanity,' as you stated. These last few days sure have been entertaining.

    AG has been keeping me rolling on the floor laughing with those pics that he/she has been posting. I'm gonna have to strike a deal with my local Depends distributor if he/she keeps it up. Like a wise woman once said, "If peeing your pants makes you cool, then I must be Miles Davis."

    Thanks again for giving us freaks and weirdos a place to feel at home. That being said, \~/ \~/ \~/ \~/ \~/ \~/ anyone care to join me in a cocktail?


  • suzi mayhem
    suzi mayhem


    Alan... Alan... nope... don't see any Alan on the Guestlist..
    Please refer to the Caveat..
    Although.. maybe we could use another whipping boy?
    And just what the hell does taking myself seriously have to do with Bonsai Kitty? As to Riz, well, she seems to enjoy my sense of humor.. so fuck off.
    This is a thread for US, not you. Your ahem... "logical" and rotflmao "scholarly" words and opinions are not wanted here.
    I will thank YOU, sir, to cease and desist with the insults, considering this is not a forum for your arguments.
    These are my terms, and as stated above, if you don't like them or me, no one's asking you to stay.

    So who's next on the Weakest Link? :)

  • suzi mayhem
    suzi mayhem


    No sweat, hon. I'm tired of creativity being looked down upon, and I'm tired of the bullshit going on with the people like us on the bored wherein we're abused just because they don't get it.
    Well.. enough's enough.
    This one's for US. Where we can pretty much be our wild and obnoxious selves if we feel like it, and we will be applauded for it, rather than ridiculed by those who are terminally obnoxious (and boring, quite honestly).
    Cocktails fill the streams, and it's always Happy Hour here, so enjoy, everyone. Chez la Tete de Suzi is officially open.. :)

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