Old Friends from the hall invited us over to their house.....

by NoBorg 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Flash

    This shows there are people who are struggling to regain themselves and their identity.

  • NoBorg

    It's a scary thing when you 'feel' like something is wrong and you don't even know the heap of guilt the Borg is hiding in their closet. His wife literally has NO reason to complain other than looking around and seeing who is being empowered and respected and WHY they are held as such and what "real" Christlike qualities they actually posses = NONE in most cases.

    Let the walls continue to crumble on!

  • Mulan

    This reminds me of an incident a few years ago, where an old friend showed up at the door. When I opened the door she said, "Can I come in. I want to know what you know." She said she knew we wouldn't walk away unless we knew something and she wanted to know what it was. I didn't tell her much, just enough to make her think, but she is out of the JW's now, doing well, not disfellowshipped. She moved far far away.

  • simplesally

    See, Mulan, I would be scared to do that if I was not df'd already. You showed great courage to help her since she could have later gone and 'confessed' her own doubts and then reveal what you said........ Good for your friend.

  • NoBorg

    Hmm, maybe I'm being naieve but, I have been mostly listening and giving out 'some' information.

    It's pretty funny, I was talking about somethign else and I mentioned "well you know about the UN?" He was like, what, that it's the scarlet colored WB? I was like no, that we were members until 2001 ( < I guessed ) His eyes got HUGE, bear in mind this guy reaaaaaal mild mannered, and said "no FUC&ING WAY!!

    He had never heard that and I thought that was pretty common knowledge among ANYone with doubts of any kind. I'm not that nervous about getting the boot so I don't really care all that much. Just to be safe I'm not going to talk to him and his wife at the same time. Plus I'll 'pat him down' for a wire as well. ;-)

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    She also said that it seemed like everyone who 'was normal' was leaving.
    I wish my friend would see the light and become 'normal'. {{{{sigh}}}

  • NoBorg

    How long have you been out?

    How long has he/she been in?

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