Turn em in if they are hurting someone

by LovesDubs 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    I had and have no qualms about turning in JWs that are deliberately hurting other people...even if those other people no longer speak to me. I turned in a person when I was not yet baptized that was sleeping around with anybody he could lure into the sack including teenaged pioneers who were very vulnerable to his manipulative ways. He of course had been flying under the radar and had a circle of coconspirators all doing the exact same thing...all JWs all covering for each other. He was DFd finally and FURIOUS at me because I dared to turn him in. 25 other people fell into that hole with him. He was out for 5 years. And when he re-emerged...and was reinstated...he took to luring people ONLINE...particularly JWs...and even more particularly JWs who were weak, inactive, lonely....he was and is a blood sucking puke. And at THAT point he was not only married for 5 years to someone who was once a dear friend of mine, he had two small children! I was already two years out and happened upon his activities beacuse he was vain enough to describe himself perfectly in his AOL profile...didnt mention any names, but used his own freakin initials. Upon query in a chat room..I found out who he was. He didnt know who I WAS tho. Long story short....he was heavily into S&M, sharing porn sites, masterbation techniques, and was having online affairs with several people. People...I KNEW from the AOL chat rooms. Those people who saw who he was, were working for ME and collected VOLUMES of chat logs, IM logs, and recorded phone conversations on him during which he admitted... laughing...that he had committed physical adultery with at least five women, the first of which was less than a month after he was married!! And how stupid and naive his wife was.

    So why should I care? Because he represents all the slime and low down dirty nasty things that the Watchtower represents...its slimey underbelly covered by a big smile, a bible and a f*king SUIT...and I abhored him for it.

    So I took all my information, I showed my JW husband what he was doing online...my husband called him and told him what we knew and told him to go to the elders first or we would. A week later he says he did...that he "admitted everything" and it was cool and "thanks for looking out for me brother." I said under NO circumstances are you to believe he did this. Husband called the Congregation Overseer...he had NEVER called them NEVER met with them and the CO was very interested in seeing what we had because they had "been watching him."

    So I gave it all to them...with a time line, an explanation of all things, and what I had personally seen. And I was disassociated at the time. The elders met with him...and they did something interesting....they didnt TELL him what they had...they told him to TELL THEM what he had been doing and in the process he told them MORE than what they already knew! He hung himself. Later he called one of those same girls thinking she was still his friend and told her that the elders couldnt do anything to him really but MARK him because they didnt know what to do with internet porn charges and because I as the only "witness" was DAd and none of the women he screwed were JWs, and probably nobody IN the congregation knew about his activities...and he said "They are going to mark me and damn...now nobody is going to come to my Superbowl Party!" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! They did some lamo "Congregation Needs" talk he said...and his little wifey stood by him because "she didnt believe any of it."

    He told this chick he was more concerned that I might have sent the packet of information to his WIFE where she WORKED! He also just said..."well I wont be using AOL chats any more..I will have to be more careful from now on."

    Did I feel better for having done that? Oh hell yeah. Is he still a JW? Oh hell yeah..hes a predator. But...his wife finally divorced his ass. Yep...felt really good. I turned in a couple of other bottom feeders too.

    The higher you set yourself on your pedestal...the longer the fall is baby...and I dont care WHO you are.

  • Yerusalyim

    Mixed feelings on this whole issue...if all his victims were adults, then they're responsible for themselves...rather than having fed all this info to the Elders perhaps to the wife would have been a better idea. I'm not big on turning people in...if it doesn't involve force...and everyone is 18. These poor little pioneer girls...I've heard this story a lot...are old enough to know that if they lay down with their legs spread they're getting more than just an examination.

    The only person I feel sorry for in this story is his wife...she's the one you should have told...turning to the Elders...I don't think I could have done that...but, you're a feeling caring person who did what you thought best, I don't blame you.

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