Armagedon, still looking like a dummie.

by PinTail 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NoBorg

    Wasn't it in 2001 when the Bethel goons got busted for worshiping the scarlet colored wild UN?

  • BluesBrother


    Perhaps you are at the point that I was some years ago. I too realised that I had been waiting for far too long . As a boy I naively believed I would not grow up in this syystem ( and I was promised a pet lion)

    As a young man I could not believe that the Society would be allowed to be wrong about a coming 1975, but we were all wrong.

    Eventually the end of the 20th Century approached , unthinkable that we would still be suffering the "Old system". I got to read some stuff on calendars, out of simple interest in history, and I realised then that the Society's calculations re "Times" were ridiculously simplistic. It just did not work that way .

    Then I began to "Think the unthinkable", and doubt the whole thing . It hit me clearly one day.. It is just not true.

    I had been conned . I was not going to live forever . I had 70 or 80 years at best - and I had wasted most of it

    Welcome to the world of the disolusioned

  • Blueblades

    The INDISPUTABLE FACTS are:1799, 1873, 1874, 1887, 1881, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925,1931,1975,1985,2000, hinted to come at 2005,2035.

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