So, Do You Think You're Pretty Good Looking?

by minimus 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunnygal41

    Min..............what a question! Everyone is attractive in their own way. It seems rather shallow to me to base our beauty on the sick, unbalanced attitudes prevalent in today's world. I happen to be very pretty...........when I am not 70 lbs overweight........but, more importantly, most of the time, I can feel good about myself for the type of person I am in my heart. I have reached a time in my life, at 46 years old, that my insides are much more important than my outsides.

    Sally, you ARE a beauty, and I LOVE red hair!

    Growed, you DO look like Trisha Yearwood!

    My hair is dark brown, with silver streaks, I have a few age spots on my skin, I need to lose weight. I will not dye my hair, I happen to LOVE silver hair on older women. I stay out of the sun as best I can, and I don't wear makeup everyday. I wear lip gloss only, usually. The barn doesn't need to be painted.

  • undercover

    I'd rather have you on my arm, Imallgrowedup, instead of minimus, that's for sure.

    Sadly my best days are behind me. Small children don't run away screaming, but gorgeous girls don't come running toward me to meet me either. My wife thinks I'm good-looking so that's all that really matters, but once in a while, I can still catch a pretty girl's eye in a bar or club. I rate myself average.

  • imallgrowedup

    Sunny -

    Growed, you DO look like Trisha Yearwood!

    LOL! Please forgive me for this but..... the picture I posted IS Trisha Yearwood! I feel silly for saying this, but I figured everyone would know that by looking at the picture! However, I will say, the #%*&$ stole my grammy just to make herself look better in the photo!!!


  • Sunnygal41

    Very funny!!! LOL! Now, go to the song I posted and sing a stanza along with me!!!! LOL!

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell



  • Maverick

    Kind of a subjective question Min.

    I don't make much of a first impression but I grow on people. I have had to develope a personality and brain to make up for not looking like Kevin Sabo. Maverick

  • imallgrowedup

    Sunny -

    Now, go to the song I posted and sing a stanza along with me!!!!

    You need to be drinking heavily before I start to sing - sounds better that way!


  • undercover
    I don't make much of a first impression but I grow on people.

    Kinda like a wart? Sorry. I just had to do it.

  • simplesally

    Growed up: is that you or Trish?

  • imallgrowedup


    Growed up: is that you or Trish?

    See above. ^

    I suppose if I had her plastic surgeon and her make-up artist, it might be a closer rendition, but alas! It is not! *heavy sigh*


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