* raises BB gun ........let's go huntin'"

by Valis 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • shotgun

    Valis I thought this was a thread about my kid!

    I had a pellet gun, 1- 22 rifle, 4 shotguns and 2 hunting rifles....the pellet gun was great fun...and we occasionally played war games at about 50 yards...the welts would last for days.

  • Elsewhere

    lol... yeah my dad actually bought my brother and me Single Pump Dassy BB Guns!

    We had a blast with them! Shooting cans... shooting crawfish dirt clods... shooting lizards... shooting minnow fish... shooting turtles... shooting alligators... shooting birds....

    Then one day I had an epiphany!!! A message from gawd himself!!!! Instead of loading my BB Gun with BB's... I would pup it and then pour kitty litter down the barrel!!! The result was a spectacular "sawed off shotgun buck-shot" effect! With this I was able to terrorize my little brother!!! Once I had him tree'd for a couple of hours!

  • shotgun

    Elsewhere...lets go huntin wabbit together!

  • Elsewhere

    Your on!!!

  • Rabbit


    Hell, I could be an American ... a republican even

    Hey, be nice...what must you foreigners think about us peace-lovin' ''mericanz??

    I had BB/pellet guns and rifles, pistols & shotguns. I used to hunt a lot until my mid 30's. After a deer hunting trip, one of my sweet daughters...looked up at me with those baby blues and said, "Daddy, why did you shoot that deer?" A-wwww... Well, that was it. I tried to explain, but could not. I gave up hunting...easy.

    Simon: Just a side note...Thank You and all the moderators and assistants for this site. I spent over 4 years alone after stopping the meetings. I had know idea what really happened to JW's after they quit the WTS. You see pigeons all the time...but, have you ever seen a 'baby' pidgeon? They have to be there, but, where? It's like that with x-jws's. I am a much richer person knowing all the good people here with all their experiences...they have helped me.

    I have also come to appreciate the real efforts y'all put forth to deal with the few idiot troublemakers. I would not want that job, it must seem thankless sometimes. I've read where some suggested you just 'shut-it-down', please don't. 99% of the people here are good and like myself -- Thank You!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Re: Nosferatu & his mighty SpudGun

    The photo you posted looks similar to one I built with some friends from work a few years ago. Ours had a chamber of about 300 cubic inches and a barrel about four feet long. These things are darned impressive if you fire them after sunset, because in addition to the resounding BANG that you get, you are sometimes witness to a fireball or a firetorus (donut) that flashes out of the barrel. It is difficult to get consistently good results with hairspray as a propellant, because hairspray has non-flammable ingredients that dampen a good explosion. There's a lot of trial and error involved in getting the right fuel/air mixture, but when you finally get it, it is very satisfying.

    We used staright wood alcohol misted into the chamber, and learned that letting one or two alcohol applications burn inside the chamber would warm the plastic up real good for the "working shot." One time we fired the cannon at a packing crate of 1/4 inch plywood that was about 20 feet from the muzzle - using a golfball as the projectile, just like a black powder rifle with paper "wadding" enduring a nice fit for the golfball in the barrel. The golfball went thruough one side of the crate like a punch, and made a heavy dent on the opposit side. We had access to a couple hundred sponge rubber balls which we used as projectiles most of the time.

    Spud guns such as this are frowned upon by most urban police departments, although they do not technically meet the definition of a gun, it may be considered an "infernal" or dangerous device. Misused, it could kill, just like a swimming pool.

  • Rabbit


    Elsewhere...lets go huntin wabbit together!

    Whoa-a-a-a, there Doc...huntin' Wabbit? No-o, it's not wabbit season Mr. St. Elsewhere! It's Yosemite Sam Huntin' Season! See...? Yosemite Sam Huntin' Season Starts at 5:02pm on March, 5, 2004 thru the end of Apostachilifest Season Signed, Huntin' Commisioner The Wabbit Er, are y'all comin to eat chili? Cause remember -- it's beef chili, not wabbit chili, y-e-e-c-c-k!

  • Heatmiser

    Here is my gun. It is a 25mm MK 38

    Not me in this picture though.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Get yourself an air rifle, Beeman or RWS something like that, which will do around 1000 fps in .17. You'll have a blast and if you need to take out the odd rabbit it will do a real fine job.

  • kat2u


    have a beebee gun an actual red rider well actaully its my sons but i took after a coon the other day with it.lol

    And have some other pistol thing my dad gave me to use if need be on ex, uhmm errrr.if he gets in,,, but i think ill use the tazer instead,

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