Does the Golden Rule go both ways?

by dh 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dothemath

    I was thinking about the golden rule, and organ donation. Since many Witnesses now accept organ donation (some organs anyway).............shouldn't they be encouraged to live by the golden rule, and be willing to donate organs also?

    I'm sure there are very few witnesses that take this step..........and in fact are discouraged from doing so.

  • imallgrowedup
    The worst punishment you can give a masochist is not to punish them.

    LOL @ Faraon!

    DH -

    Good point. There are some who are "numbed" to what has been done to themselves and/or because it has been done to themselves, think it is okay to do to others. I think that, unfortunately, child abuse would be one such example (at least of the former). With that particular example in mind, I would say that the Golden Rule definitely does NOT go both ways. Even if the child were to grow up and "get even" with the parent who did the abusing, all it does is lower the child to the parent's level. As to the latter, I would say that having something (bad) done to someone does not give them carte blanche to do it to others. So ... IMHO, I would say that the Golden Rule does not go both ways.

    However, I think the way simwitness explains it makes a lot of sense:

    Expect other to do to you as you have done to them

    My .02,


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