Ladies, what kind of fragrance (cologne) do you like?

by dustyb 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • dustyb

    I had this french stuff named "Angel" by Theirry Mugler and it drove my g/f wild. but it got stolen, and the downside of it is its 100 bucks roughly a bottle. i don't mind paying, i was just wondering if there's any other good smelling cologne, because i hate going into stores to "shop around". i just want to go in and buy it and leave.

  • bikerchic

    Sorry about the mishap with her perfume, I love that fragrance Angel it's awesome. I've never bought it myself because I mainly use one fragrance and have for years, it's Aromatics Elixir by Clinique. You might give it a sniff.........he,hee

    Perfumes are for me very personal and I bought many before I finally found one that I just can't leave for another, kind of like finding a soulmate. You might ask her what her favorite one is and then just surprise her with some.


  • talesin

    Calvin Klein CK1 is a nice scent for men, also Paco

    but the natural musk of desire is the best ........

    (Scent of a Woman hoo-ahhhhhhh! goes the same for men imho)

  • WildHorses

    On a man, I love Jako.

    For myself, my favorite is Carolina Herrera.

  • Schizm

    When you use that stuff, is there a reduced need for baths? *LOL*

    There was this middle-aged woman who *once* worked where I used to work, and she would come to work everyday with her fragrance applied. Because she wasn't very well liked (due to not being active in the Union) several of the pro-Union workers would make unkind remarks about the way she smelled (in an attempt to harass & intimidate her). They would say things like, she only wore the perfume because she seldom took baths.

    Union people can be some of the most provocative and mean people that there is. Of course if you're doing all that it takes to please them (conform to their ideas) then they're there for you and will not try to make your life on the job unpleasant. The underlying principle: "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours; and if you don't won't to play the game my way then I'll try to see what I can do to make you want to go to work elsewhere; you see, YOU are the one that don't fit in around here!"


  • reboot

    Cacherel for men.It's the most wonderful one i've ever come across.I've actually followed men to keep smelling it.

  • orangefatcat

    My two favourite perfumes are Opium and Channel #5

    They are beautiful fragrances.

    Love OrangefatcatOrangeFatCat 15

  • Mulan

    I've used one fragrance for about 20 years. Beautiful by Estee Lauder. I don't mix scents, so all my clothes smell the same.

  • sunshineToo

    My perfume is Samsara by Guerlain.

    dusty, try You can get almost any perfume in a discount price. Good luck!

  • bisous

    For myself, I love the 'green' fragrances mostly or very exotic florals for the evening...

    eau de campagne - sisley

    o de lancome - lancome

    la perla - la perla

    dolce vita - dior

    anais anais -

    Can you see I have a fragrance addiction? (add to my shoe and purse addiction)

    As far as men's scents go, it has been so long since i've purchased any I wouldn't know what ta tell ya.

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