A Question For My Brother Re: Home School

by Valis 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Greetings all...as many of you know, ambush23 is my brother. Who, often times I felt that I had abandonned when I let home. I saw him on occassion, but not regularly...largly in part due to the animus between me and my parents. But I am glad to say is now an active part of my life...a pain in the ass, but I gotta love the bastard all the same.. Well, enough of that and let us get to the interrogation already...*LOL*

    Hey man, I've never asked you, but what effect do you think home schooling had on you? I'm interested in your answers from a social perspective and an intellectual one. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but I think in many ways people could learn how some Jehovahs Witness children have been home schooled and the end results.


    District Overbeer

  • Sassy

    A Valis clone huh.. I should have guessed from his comments to Xena and Sheila..

    Welcome to JWD ambush23!

    Be careful.. because we really do bite.. (but it would be your brothers fault....) I doubt your homeschooling taught you that.

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    I am not sure if you are solliciting responses from only those who were home schooled----I was not. I attended schools. ( that is another story)

    However, I do know some children who have been home schooled . They do not seem happy or well adjusted. I do not recomend it. I am sure parents who do this have the best of intentions; it is just that the examples I have seen do not look like the kids are happy.

    I have three small children and I believe that they mature and grow emotionally when they have the social interaction of other kids at school. All of my kids started in preschool and they love it. They are academically doing very well and socially have lots of friends . The home schooled kids I have known were all lacking in social skills and do not know how to interact with their peers.

    If you are in a bad school district; start looking into some private schools.

    Based on my experience with my kids; the sooner they are socialized to interact with their peers; the happier and well adjusted they are.


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Hey , wait a minute

    I think I really misunderstood your question Valis ( having a little problem with reading comprehension here on Long Island)

    Valis, If you are introducing your brother to this forum and asking us to welcome him; and then asking him to respond to his experince of being home schooled ---I really think I want to take back my previous post.

    Ambush23---welcome to the forum! Some of us are crazy ( like your brother; popular but crazy) and some of us may be slow to comprehend ( as in my previous post; to his question only, mind you) some posts---but one the whole it is a good supportive bunch of people.

    As I said, my exposure to home schooled kids is one sided. I am interested to hear your experience.

    regards, Frank

  • Valis

    franklinstien...all responses an experiences are important. I also think it is one of the issues that doesn't get discussed enough.


    District Overbeer

  • Valis

    come out come out wherever you are ambush!


    District Overbeer

  • ambush23

    welll...............Home schooling definitly had a social impact on me it took away my life and forced me to slave for out father, me doing most of the work loading and unloading his truck, oh yeah i did all that work and couldnt even get a 25 dollar allowance most of the time. The intellectual impact.........well i was already more educated than the majority of my graduating class, due to my addiction to reading. Oh yeah it gave me more time to do drugs, hind sight being 20/20 i wouldnt have done it differently

  • Valis

    Thanks for responding. I wished they had sent you to the Middle School instead. Then you would've been around me and not working your ass instead of studying and growing like you should've been.


    District Overbeer

  • Sassy

    How old is your brother Valis?

  • ambush23

    my lack of public schooling has destined me to a life of crack addiction and male prostitution, well it was that or my decade in the theocratic ministry school

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