Why Japanese become JWs

by JWD 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWD

    I have posted some of the following info in various other threads I`ve
    started which touch on the matter of JWs in Japan.However,people continue to ask me `Why Japanese become JWs?`,so I thought I`d put
    down a few of my observations for anyone who might be interested.

    As you may or may not have noticed,Japan has(had) the fifth largest number of JWs in the world. (I think one African nation recently
    surpassed Japan...) The fourth largest are America, Brazil, Mexico
    and Italy. America is no doubt the largest due to the fact that the
    WT originated there. Brazil,Mexico and Italy have the commonality
    of being predominately Catholic countries. Since the majority of WT
    attacks are aimed at Catholicism, it follows that discontent Catholics
    would tend to be attracted to the WT.(That issue has been dealt with
    on other threads) So, the question is, Why Japan?
    Here`s a few reasons:

    1) Japanese like things which are American

    2) In post WWII Christian missionaries presented the Bible to many
    children and young people via Sunday School and private Christian
    schools.The WT cashed in on that `Biblical interest` via their
    aggresive door-to-door approach.

    3) Society has been breaking down. Trust relationships are harder
    to find. People are moving from the village to the city thus
    breaking long standing relationships and finding themselves lonely
    and friend-less. The JW who comes to their door offers instant

    4) There is a lack of absolutes in the society here, so people long
    for some system that tells them what`s right and wrong.

    5) In the latter years of the 20th century there was an
    intense fascination with the `end-of-the-world` theme.
    In the late 1980`s and early 90`s the WT cashed in on that frenzy.

    6) Ancestor worship. The focus of Japanese religion is always dead
    relatives. Ancestor worship is strong even among very secular
    Japanese. The WT version of a `Paradise Earth` offers them a
    chance to re-unite with the dead realtives in an idyllic

    7) The WT`s similarity to Budhism. Surprising as it may seem the WT
    teaching shares many things in common with the most popular form
    of Budhism here in Japan. Budhism consists of `Tariki-hongan` and
    `Jiriki-hongan`.Tariki is the idea of salvation based on someone
    else`s works. In Budhism the saviour is `Amida`.However, the most
    popular type of Budhism is `Jiriki`.Jiriki-hongan is the idea of
    earning your own salvation via various works you do yourself.
    For example, climbing a high mountain, going to a sacred place,
    fasting, meditating, etc. The WT teaching of earning salvation
    via, FS, meeting attendance, obeying the organization,etc. fits
    right in with the Japanese mindset. Receiving something simply on
    the basis of Grace is a hard concept to grasp. The WT method is
    easier to grasp.

    8) Focus on the SEEN. Japanese like concepts which can be seen.Thus
    the popularity of idols. The WT offers them a very visible
    religion. Outward cleanliness, Pictures of Jehovah God, Good
    Works, A visible organization, Large assemblies, Lots of real
    estate ,etc.

    9) Japanese are also study intensive. The WTs emphasis on constant
    study played well until recently.

    10)Japanese love for things to be ORGANIZED. I understand that the
    Germans in general tend to be very organized and the Japanese
    are as well. Freedom and emotional expression are not high
    priorities, organization is.

    * There are undoubtedly other factors as well, but these are the ones which came to mind. If you`ve lived in Japan...feel free to add some that I`ve missed.
    I wonder how many of those things would be true in other countries, as well?


  • waiting

    hello jwd,

    However, the most popular type of Budhism is `Jiriki`.Jiriki-hongan is the idea of earning your own salvation via various works you do yourself.

    For example, climbing a high mountain, going to a sacred place,
    fasting, meditating, etc. The WT teaching of earning salvation
    via, FS, meeting attendance, obeying the organization,etc. fits
    right in with the Japanese mindset. Receiving something simply on
    the basis of Grace is a hard concept to grasp. The WT method is
    easier to grasp.

    How interesting. I find grace a hard concept also. But then after being a jw for decades - grasping anything spiritual is hard when one leaves that group.

    When people talk to me about religion, I just want to cross my fingers in front of myself like they used to do in the old vampire movies to save myself from the blood suckers.


  • God_knows

    I actually have a friend in Japan whom I have always wanted to pull away from the JWs, but it is so hard. Her command of English is rather limited, so though we can have simple conversations without trouble, I cannot go into the intricacies of the bible with her. Her English just is not good enough for her to understand me, and I do not know Japanese.

    Frustrations abound.....Ah well the Lord's will be done

  • JWD


    I`m sure you`ve heard much about religion from various people and
    perhaps have even develpoed an allergy to religion in general.I don`t
    want to irritate any `allergies`, but let me briefly explain my
    understanding of `grace`.

    It seems to me the the biblical understanding of `righteousness` is
    perfection.Needless to say,perfection is totally unachievable by
    imperfect mankind.Therefore; God made a way,apart from works, apart
    from law by which man could become `perfect`.That way is through
    `imparted` righteousness.An undeserved gift.A new set of `spiritual clothing` so to speak. It is received through the very simple act of
    beleiving that God wants to give it to us. The Bible seems to be
    explaining it in Philippians 3:9 `righteousness in Christ` and Romans
    8:32 as well as Eph. 2:1-9. I also like the story of the person at
    the wedding banquet who didn`t have on his wedding clothes. It seems
    to me that the entire tone of grace in the Bible is one of totally
    giving up on one`s own works, entirely.For years I struggled with a
    constant inventory in my mind of whether or not I had done the right
    thing and whether or not it was enough.Being a perfectionist of sorts,
    of course my conclusion was that whatever I did, it was never enough.
    Then one day I gave up. Gave up on myself, my works, my own judgement
    of the condition of my heart. I felt great release and great joy.I
    think it was there that I began to really realize what grace means.
    Grace allows no room for boasting, no room for judging and naturally
    produces thankfulness. I still believe the Bible and feel that my
    life work,so to speak, is to understand more about grace.

    That`s my experience, don`t know if it`s any help. Take what you want
    leave the rest.

    God Knows,
    I`ve been in Japan for 16 years. Speak read and write Japanese
    fluently. I do translating and some counseling as well as a myriad
    of other things. If you`d like I would be willing to attempt to
    contact your Japanese friend. If so, you can e-mail me. My address
    is available via the board.


  • God_knows

    I have not heard from her for a while, actually, she rarely hastime to write but I should still ask her permission to pass on her email. If I hear back from her I will let you know.

  • Francois

    You forgot to mention the Japanese fascination with rubber monsters that devour Tokyo, which - as we all know - is a metaphor for the governing body that ate Brooklyn.

    I could do more, but my intution tells me you want me to stop already.


    My $0.02

  • Fredhall

    And Francoise is one of those rubber monsters who devours Tokyo.

  • humble

    They study the Bible and decide to be baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses because:

    1. Jesus set forth the example
    2. They love Jehovah so much that they dedicate their lives to him.
    3. They see guidance in the Bible
    4. They want to change their sad lives as drunkards, fornicators, etc. to please god.
    5. They are humble and accept that they need Jehovah's guidance in life.
    6. They want to live forever on a paradise earth.

    Oh, some here will post that they are being brainwashed, tricked into become Witnesses, but those are lies that are spread by Satan and it's agents. They will post how witnesses are false prophets, but in reality Jehovah's organization has made us better people. They will say that as Jehovah's organization they are now allowed to make mistakes, but they forget that Israel, Judah and the early Christian congregation were also Jehovah's organization and mistakes were made. Jehovah does not control every single things that the Organization does, overall time has shown that it has his backing.

  • Skimmer

    Hello humble:

    You do not realize the slander you've made when you accuse any of us of being Satan or an agent of Satan. Tell me, if I were in Satan's hire, don't you think he would give me something better than an old 28.8 Kbps modem to do his evil work? If you are really interested in tracking down the Devil, why don't you try starting in Brooklyn from where more than six million people are being lead astray from Christianity?

    You say that Jehovah does not control every single thing done by the WTBTS. Tell me, how much of it does he control? Ninety percent of it? Fifty percent? One percent? How badly must the WTBTS misbehave until you will admit that they have nothing to do with God? How many years must go on before you will finally admit that they have never gotten a single prediction correct?

  • JWD

    Dear Humble,

    Thank-you for your thoughts.I have no doubt that many people become
    Jehovahs Witnesses due to good motives.I know many. Likewise,many
    people leave the WT with good motives. You fall into a trap when you
    feel forced to believe that there can only be bad motivation for a
    person making a decision to leave an organization.

    I believe the Bible is the Word of God.I`ve been reading it
    daily for nearly 30 years.However, there is no need to be connected
    to a `visible` organization in order to study the Bible or have a
    relationship with God. No doubt you studied the red `Paradise`book
    which was used before the Knowledge book.You probably remember the
    reference to the Ethiopian eunich.The book makes of point of the
    fact that he said `If no one teaches me, how can I know`.It goes on
    to make that a platform for the reasoning that we need to be connected
    to an organization in order to have accurate knowledge.Have you ever
    thought through that parallel? Have you ever asked the question,`what
    happened to the eunich after that meeting?`.Have you ever wondered
    why he went `on his way back to Ethiopia?` Have you ever stopped to
    think that back in Ethiopia there was no Christian congregation at
    that time.He was on his own.

    Or, have you ever wondered why the Apostle Paul made such a point of
    saying that No man taught him, in the book of Galatians? Have you ever
    wondered why Paul didn`t report to the supposed `Governing Body` in
    Jerusalem after his conversion,but rather went into the desert for 3
    years? Or why he operated out of Antioch and the only time he went to Jerusalem was to CORRECT THEIR THEOLOGY.

    The overwhelming emphasis in the Bible is a personal realtionship with God through Christ.Salavation is an individual experience as is
    judgement. No where in the scriptures dealing of those two subjects
    is an issue made of involvement with some group. If you had studied
    the Bible BEFORE becoming a JW, you likely would never have even
    thought of the concept of `God`s Organization`.Simply because it
    isn`t in the Bible.

    One thing I`ve noticed about the idea of being the `One True Organi-
    zation is that it is nearly impossible to maintain that position of
    ultimate authority.It is in the attempt to maintain that unique position that the WT is the most off base.Let me introduce 4 ideas
    regarding `being right`.

    1) All religious groups believe they are RIGHT.
    2) Most religious groups believe they are MORE RIGHT than other groups
    3) Some religious groups believe that they are THE MOST RIGHT group.

    These first three ideas are common in many religious groups.It`s the
    fourth step which creates problems and pain.

    4) A few religious groups believe that that they are the ONLY RIGHT

    In order to maintain the position of ONLY RIGHT a group has to get
    rid of all competition.It also has to present an unrealistic picture
    of the nature of themselves. That pretty much summerizes the contents
    of the WT publications. Articles constantly criticize other religious
    groups and are forever trumpeting how glorious the WT organization is. The problem is anyone who has been inside for a while knows it`s
    not as wonderful as it`s presented to be.Likewise,anyone who has some
    association with people from other religious groups realizes that there are very nice, very sincere people in most religious groups.
    Really nasty people generally don`t go in for religion in the first

    As far as Japanese JWs, overall they don`t have a very good grasp of
    the Bible.The average member of most local Christian churches has as
    good or better a knowledge of the Bible. The `herd instinct` plays in
    heavily in many people`s motivation for joining the WT. Lonely people
    want friends. The WT offers instant friendship. The content of the
    teaching with a heavy emphasis on guilt,obligation and fear plays
    quite well in the culture here as well.

    I`m a bit curious about your name `Humble` as well. Isn`t it better
    to be called humble by others rather than naming yourself that way?
    Just a thought.

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