My sister is DF'd

by Badger 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sassy

    just because the other mate wants to get married, does not give them reason to df you.. when my first husband and I got divorced (he filed .. although I would have if he hadn't) and since he would not admit to adultry to them (which he had committed)..

    they could not df him because he didn't admit to it.. he would even admit to being in a hotel room with her but that no sex happened..

    he was not df'd and I was told at that time I did not have scriptural grounds to remarry.. OR date..

  • Makena1

    Badger - really sorry for your sister. She got the raw deal from her ex, and the elders.

    Probably too late now, but had a male JW friend who divorced his JW wife over mental cruelty (towards him) and physical cruelty towards their only daughter. Elders did not like being forced to "allow" this to happen, but he was not DF'd (surprisingly wife was not either), but did lose his MS and pioneer "priviledges". Happened about 10 years ago, and the "conscience" of the body of elders still will not allow him to pioneer.

    Strange but true,


  • Love_Truth


    Not arguing what "should be", rather, what the Jaydubs do. If you pressed them, they would have DAd your ex, that's the way it is. If they can't DF, they will DA.

  • Flash

    Before I left, the GB was pushing the idea that Christ held the Elders in his right hand. DF'ings like this shows that's not entirely true. Did she try to appeal it?...No guarantees, my appeals committee was a joke!!!

  • Sassy

    well believe me .. I did press them because I knew my ex had even committed adultry.. took me two yrs to get permission to be free.. and that only after a CO was talked to... still neither of us were Dfd or Da'd

    If you pressed them, they would have DAd your ex, that's the way it is. If they can't DF, they will DA.

    if that is true.... my newest ex will probably do this.. since I stopped attending meetings.. the elders do not even know where to find me since I moved.. He wants his freedom so he can screw over a new woman

  • cruzanheart
    Christ held the Elders in his right hand

    I hold toilet paper in my right hand. That's probably what he meant.

    Badger, I am so angry about what happened to your sister -- that was such a blatant show of favoritism it makes me ill. How is she feeling? Is she angry at the elders or feeling really bad about herself? Can she get a restraining order on the soon-to-be-ex? Or a Rottweiler? I'd volunteer the bassets, but you know how little help that would be unless he tripped over them (or tried to sleep on the couch -- right, Valis?).


    I have an idea about the belongings: tell her to buy some boxes, box everything up that she values, and send it Fed Ex to you. That way he can't get his grubby paws on it and she has a little leverage.

    Keep us posted.


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    "No where in the bible does it say you're supposed to be happy with your marriage. It usually takes several years of hard times before you adjust."

    Probably a reflection of thier own marriages.

    I am miserable, and you should be too.

    "Janitors playing marriage counselors"

    Sounds like a new FOX Reality series where everyone is screwed over

    Listen to Nina, she knows what she's talking about.

    Basset Hounds make terrible watchdogs

  • Pistoff

    What a nightmare.

    My condolences; tell her to appeal right away, even threaten legal action if necessary.

    Here is a real bummer for you:

    I had a good friend in the troof, who told a mutual friend he knew how to get out of his marriage. An elder he had driven truck with had told him how some do this. He confessed to a very old indiscretion; he knew his wife would not forgive him, and since the sin was so old, they let them divorce, and he remarried 5 years later with no consequences. Neither one was ever even reproved.

    So there ya go. You just have to know how to play the game with them. And be charming.


  • Icansaylucky

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