Enough Talk, Let's Kick Ass

by DreamMaster 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ladonna

    Hi Thinker's wife,

    Yes, My own experience at the hands of the JW elders and then years of therapy ended up in my studying and practicing as Psychologist part time....the rest of the time I sing opera....which is funny because trauma drew me to music and I found it a fantastic outlet for pain.
    A rather large shock to find oneself on an opera stage!!!!
    Now I teach as well as the psychology. My husband being a psychiatrist was extremely supportive in all I did....I would go so far as to say he saved my life.

    As for me taking the matter further in a legal sense....I would do anything to be able to do this, but one thing stops me......the child that came from that rape is a young impressionable girl that I love dearly.

    It would serve only my own selfish interests to persue such a matter.....maybe when she is older and has a say in wanting her parentage disclosed. She knows how she came into this world, but it is a very painful subject for her.

    Thinkers wife....I am so sorry that the samr thing happened to you....but words are cheap sometimes, aren't they?

    Take Care,

  • LDH

    Well I've never been molested, raped, abused or any such other thing at any one's hands.

    This is one issue that I can empathize on, but I just don't have anger on. I was never a victim of this, so I don't feel qualified to speak on it.


  • seven006

    Dream Master,

    I completely understand your rage and your desire to get even. I had a two year relationship with a woman who is an exJW as myself. She is one of the most intelligent, beautiful and caring people I have ever met. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I knew when I had first met her that she had been molested by her JW father but I didn't know all the details in the beginning. After meeting her mom who is still a JW the complete story unfolded. It made me sick and I gained a better understanding of why this woman had such deep psychological problems. Not only did her father molest her at age 13 he repeatedly raped her and then treated her like she was a piece of dirt. He would make up reasons to barge into the bathroom while while she was taking a bath and stare at her while she tried to hide her self. She feared not only her father but also the elders. Her mother told me that she had caught him lying in bed next to her and confronted him on what he was doing. He denied any wrong doing. The issue was taken to the elders and the first thing the elders told her mom was not to take the information to the authorities. They also blamed her mom for the molesting stating that she was not performing her "wifely dues" and she was simply not sexy enough to keep her husband satisfied. This I heard directly from her mom.

    I was enraged. This lady (whom I will not reveal her name) had grown up with absolutely no self esteem and thought she was indeed a piece of dirt. I also found out from her mom that her father also molested her two younger brothers. He was never turned over to the police and is still a ministerial servant in his congregation.

    Any time I would try and talk to her about this she would go into a panic attack and end up on the floor hyperventilating. Even though she was very bright and well educated she would revert into a scared little girl any time the subject came up. She had become a heavy drinker and would drink to the point of passing out just so she could sleep every night. I tried very hard to convince her to get some professional help but she refused. Just talking about it brought back terrifying memories that she has tried so hard to block out of her mind.

    When all this was going on one of her teachers at school realized that she had seemed to have a drastic personality change and questioned her about it. She felt she could trust this teacher and told her what had been going on for over a year. The teacher immediately contacted the school authorities and the police. A meeting was set up to find the facts of issue and when she was asked about it in front of the police and school authorities she denied it had happened. She did not want her father to be arrested and did not want to go against the elders wishes.

    She grew up with a warped sense of sexuality and calls herself a slut. She now has three kids from three different fathers and has pretty much given up on having any kind of self respect. I was able to see past all the things that had happened in her life and see the beautiful person that was inside of her trying to get out. Unfortunately she could not see this in herself. We ended our relationship a little over a year ago and I have not seen her since. I miss her at times and it breaks my heart to know she will probably endure this pain for the rest of her life. She is thirty three years old now but her life ended at thirteen. It is such a waste.

    I am not a violent man but I know if I ever meet her father in person I will loose control and give him what he deserves. He got away with destroying the life of someone very special and he was aided by the so called loving earthy organization of god. The pain of molestation does not only last during the act but continues for the rest of their life. It not only effects the one molested but also the lives of anyone that tries to love and understand that person. It makes me want to believe the concept of hell just so those assholes can burn in it. I will never forget her or will I forget what they did to her. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it.


  • JanH

    The "one out of four" claim is totally bogus. By the definition some feminists use on "sexually abused" (any undesired sexual contact), I am sexually abused by women frequently when I go out drinking. Such nonsense trivializes real cases of abuse. The real figure seems to be between 1% and 5% of women, and that is bad enough!

    I totally agree that those who abuse women or children, sexually or otherwise, should be caught and punished. But considering the disastrous amount of false charges, and in many cases wrong convictions, happening in the 1980s when the child abuse scare surfaced big time, I will still advice some caution.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • DreamMaster

    Hi seven,

    Thanks for sharing that. It couldn't have been easy. It seems like we have a lot in common. Someday together we will make a difference. WE WILL BRING THOSE SUCKERS DOWN!!

  • LadyBug


    By the definition some feminists use on "sexually abused" (any undesired sexual contact),

    In Australia we call this sexual harrasment

    I am sexually abused by women frequently when I go out drinking.

    Interesting concept of sexual abuse

    The real figure seems to be between 1% and 5% of women

    Just wondering where you got your figures from.


  • safe4kids


    Your post brought back to me so many memories of what I too experienced...panic attacks, inability to sleep without nightmares, horrible and vivid flashbacks...the only thing that saved my sanity was getting therapy. Yes, it is terrifying to relive the experiences and to go through the healing process but what many abuse victims do not understand is what you brought out, that they will continue to live with this for the rest of their lives if they don't get help. I opted for dealing with it once and for all and I am so glad that I did. I advocate therapy for any person, man or woman, who has been through childhood molestation...many of us suffer/suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

    Jan, you know I luv ya but I have to echo BEW in asking where you get your information. In the last 5 years, I have met many women who were sexually abused as children...personally, I think the figures may be HIGHER, not lower. It is so widespread, especially in America...I can only go by my own experiences with the people I've talked to. At any rate, I am certainly capable of differentiating between sexual harrassment and sexual abuse. I also advise caution but remember that many many victims of real abuse are not believed when they finally come forward-this is almost as damaging as the actual abuse itself. I'm curious to know if you have any experience in dealing with this issue.

    Just my 2 cents...

    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • esther

    JanH, you said

    The "one out of four" claim is totally bogus

    Is that you own personal opinion, or did you get that information from somewhere? If it is information, where did you get it?
    You also said

    By the definition some feminists use on "sexually abused" (any undesired sexual contact)

    I have only heard undesired sexual contact defined as sexual harassment, as BEW says.

    Since much pedophilia is hidden or covered over, where did you get the figures "between 1% and 5% of women"? Not all cases of sexual abuse are reported, because the victims quite often do not want to relive the nightmare, or face the additonal abuse directed at them from the perpetrator's counsel if it goes to court.


  • TR


    The mere thought of something like this happening to my child turns me into a raving crazed lunatic and I will gladly murder anyone responsible without hesitation.

    I'm with you, BUT, I prefer to call it killing, not murder.


    "Kults Suk"

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