Old Habits Die Hard

by COMF 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    Keep in mind, now, I haven't been out in field service since sometime in early 1987.

    This morning I headed off out the door and down the stairs, cheerful and ready to tackle the day. Got to my ride, and realized I had forgotten to pick up the case that contains my laptop and paperwork. So, back up the stairs, in the door. Nickie turns to look at me.

    "Forgot my bookbag," I say, pointing to the case beside my desk.

    Then I burst into laughter. I picked up the case and headed for the door again, still laughing. Nickie eyed me warily until the door slammed shut behind me.


  • Tina

    10 lashes with a wet noodle Capn for that one LOLOL

    I've done that myself,someone brought it to my attention here. i differentiated my family by calling my sister."my fleshly sister" lol.
    anyway,((((((((capn)))))))))))keep laffin,life's a trip.luv,Tina

  • unclebruce

    LOL Cap'n,

    Still having flashbacks eh? Down here they're called 'witnessing bags' I still have the thick leather bag I pioneered with in the early seventies. It was made by an Italian craftsman/brother specializing in 'witnessing bags.' He said it would last a lifetime and so far he's proved right. It survived several years on the back of a bicycle, weeks tramping through tropical jungles, dusty farms, endless boring meetings and for the last few years I used it for quoting building work and although the zipper's gone it looks as good as new.

    I still go to call it my witnessing bag sometimes and the wife gives me a dirty look. You gotta admit 'bookbag' sounds less cultic than 'witnessing bag' I wonder what the pomes call 'em? ;)

    cheers, unc.

  • ozziepost

    I've got one too, unc! Mine was made by a Greek-Australian in Adelaide by the name of Sotiropoulos. Said it would last a lifetime (in the old sysytem, that is!) and it probably will. Trouble is, I can't think what else to use it for!


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • Prisca


    I use my old witnessing bag as a door-stop!

  • Mazza

    I sure hope your computer carry case doesn't remember a "witnessing bag"! Sheesh the Aussie witnessing bag was a formidable item - ugly as all get out. I remember my brother in law getting an unexpected cash windfall and what did he do with the money? He went out and bought the whole family a new leather witnessing bag. At first I thought it was a joke until he produced them. :-( A new front door mat would have been more exciting!!!


  • Roamingfeline

    Yeah, remember the thick ones about 6 inches across, and how they were finally instructed to quit putting their bags in the aisles where people could trip over them?

    Guess the gigantic bags made them feel important.. lol


  • LadyBug

    Found mine 3 weeks ago in the cupboard still packed with mags, books, etc even had filled in return visit slips from 5 years ago.

    Figured it was about time I emptied it out, and caught myself wondering if the people would still be interested. Gave myself a good hard slap to bring me to my senses.


  • unclebruce

    LOL Ozzie - Yep same guy - Greek not Italian - made 'em in his shed at Payneham. Sotoropolis - how could I forget .. his neice Effy was chasing me at the time and he wanted proof I was a pioneer before making me one ;)

    Roamingfeline - He made 6" wide ones for sisters it was amazing how much watchtower stuff the sisters could fit in those big bricks - they were so strong many sisters used them as seats and you'd sometimes see a group of sisters sitting on them at street corners waiting for a lift home or whatever.

    BugEyesWife - Get back to those return visits! Lives could depend on it including yours - those folks are probably still eagerly awaiting your callback ;) unclebloodguilt

  • Cautious

    Found my husband's old "witnessing bag" not so long ago, but not it was more blue than black these days - the mould's taken over. Do you think we should have taken more care of it than to leave it underneath the house?

    Can't believe what a good little witness wife I was back then [8>] - I'd bought it for him as a wedding anniversary present!


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