Well I Just Got Let Go! :(

by Yizuman 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    As of this morning at 6 AM EST, my boss came in to the store where I worked and told me that since "business was slow", he had no choice but to let me go.

    I asked him why did he hire that new employee last week if business was slow?? He just looked at the counter and would not answer me. So I knew he was lying.

    He's an jerk to begin with and stupid to boot. He's suspicious of everything, never trusts anyone, yells and accuses people when something goes wrong.

    He's lazy that he doesn't do a hard count on cigs and safe count and relies too much on other employee's paperwork and when there's something that doesn't come out right, he yells about it instead of confirming it himself to see what he sees is correct.

    When I got hired last July, my initial pay was 8 bux an hr plus 50 cents an hr working 3rd shift. Then some months later, my pay got cut to 7.34 an hr, then it went up to 7.38 an hr.

    Then this year on January, the company got rid of the 50 cents an hr.

    Also, my boss told me that the company cannot pay me a time and half when I work OT. So, I knew if I complained about that, he would get rid of me. So I took whatever I could out of it and had planned to find me a better job when it got warmer. Looks like it's sooner than expected.

    I am goingn to sue for backpay for the OT owed me since it's against the law to screw me out of the time and half OT pay. I am also going to file an complaint to OSHA about it.

    Not that I am against Muslims, but the thing is, I am the only employee that is not a Muslim that works for him, all of the other employees are Muslim and the new guy he hired last week is Muslim, so I dunno if I could file a claim of discrimination or not. This is a hard one to figure out. I am afraid if I filed discrimination, it might make me look like an jerk as well.

    I had been unemployed for 5 months, during that time, I had been homeless for 11 months. When I got let go at Wal-Mart, I lost my home of 8 years because jobs are scarce around here in Indiana. Then my car broke down and is useless now. So I spent 5 months looking for work and landed the job where I had worked.

    Then I spent 3-4 months paying off my old landlord and other debts. Then I saved up for a new car and got me one for a grand. Then I saved up for an apt which I had moved in last month and I had signed a one year lease.

    So I am screwed if I don't find a new job FAST!

    I do NOT want to go back to that homeless shelter again, I've spent 11 months there and it's horrible!

    I was so glad and so proud that I worked my ass off to get to where I am now and I do not want to lose it all again.

    I filed for unemployment this morning online, it may take up to 3 weeks before I am allowed to draw a check. If they grant it at all.

    My last check is due this friday and it will have to go to rent.

    I will call the landlord and ask the couple to come and see me so I can sit down and explain what happened and what I plan to do and see if I can get any understanding and support from them.

    They had given me free furniture and clothes and everything I needed and I hate to see all that gone.

    Enough for now, I am just pissed off.


  • mouthy

    Yiz I am so sorry to hear about this. I would take it further if I were you. But whatever you do you just keep your calm, & truthfully I think if you go into to the Muslim area you may face trouble.....Religion in work places tend to get on folks nerves, Do you not have Welfare in your country? I hope all works out well for you. That is really tough..... Keep your chin up- there is always an exit from" the woods." Grace

  • Sadie5

    sorry to hear this.


  • 2escaped lifers
    2escaped lifers

    Duuuuude!! I'm sooo sorry!! This sounds so unfair!! Make em' pay!

  • codeblue

    I worked for a temp employment agency...what your employer has done to you should be reported ASAP.

    Make sure you tell the unemployment division everything you have shared with us...they need to know these facts. There are programs out there to help you get more advanced training while you work (that is paid for by the State)...please ask about that when you file for unemployment!

    Hope things get better for you!


  • bisous

    Yiz, codeblue's mention of a temp agency gives an idea...

    Try signing up with one ASAP in your area (you probably have already thought of this). If it works out, you can have something going while you continue to look.

  • ThiChi

    ""I am goingn to sue for backpay for the OT owed me since it's against the law to screw me out of the time and half OT pay. I am also going to file an complaint to OSHA about it."" In fact, it will be your State Labor Board, not OSHA (unless your State is different from most). You will need to "recreate" a record of the times you worked OT, once it has been proven that the company "at any time" violated the OT requirement, the courts will come down in your favor if the Company disputes your total of OT worked. So make them pay!! You could also fight the "new employee was hired and not fired before you," if you feel the reason for your termination was the result of you falling into a "protected class" of persons. I wish you the best....

  • little witch
    little witch


    I am so sorry this has happened to you.

    You don't want to file with OSHA, But the Indiana Department Of Labor.

    OT must be paid, your employer is in violation of State law.

    You need to file right away, time is ticking.

    I advise you to find a labor law attorney right away. This smells fishy.

    If you get a lawyer quickly, you will get a quicker settlement.

    Peter Rimsans is the head of the IDOL, and will help you. I know this because my husband is in a labor dispute that has been filed in circuit court. He is invaluable to your case.

    Contact via website the IDOL immeadiatly and print your OT violation papers. Fill them out and mail them.

    Also, on Monday, phone your township trustee to pay your bills, and go to churches to get help on food, and bills. Don't put it off, because the first of the month is near.

  • cruzanheart

    And DEFINITELY file a charge of discrimination, not only on the basis that you're not a Muslim, but because of your disability as well. You WILL be able make that stick.


  • wednesday

    really Yiz, if u were black and all the other employees were white, would u not be thinking racial discrimnation? File the suite and let he chips role where they may. What do u have to lose? So many times whites are afraid to file discrimnation -but u have been discrimanated against. Discrimation does not belong to only non white people. It has happened to you.

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