Did you bring binoculars to assemblies or conventions?

by codeblue 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • codeblue

    Wasn't it funny how many people brought binoculars to these conventions and only used them to check out Sister Wealthy's new outfit or that really cute guy that you had been eyeing in the corridor during breaktime?

    Of course...we told everyone it was to see the "speaker"...(riiiiiiiiiiight!)


  • dustyb

    lol,i brought high power binoculars, but they weren't to look at the speakers if you catch my drift

  • shamus

    Of course!

    We would scope people out, LOL! When the crappy "drama" was on we'd usually go out to the store and get some fresh air. You couldn't look at people when it was all dark and all, LOL!

  • blondie

    Codeblue, I looked for cute guys during the sessions and made sure my girlfriend and I walked over there after the session.


  • shera

    No,I didn't.Something I should have done.

    Assemblies,as I remember them ,were torture.Damn,I hated them.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Yes, when I remembered to bring them. My husband and kids and I loved looking for people we knew - never seemed to be sitting with others in our congregation. But I rarely remembered to pack them. Was very disappointed when I forgot.

  • LukeN

    cant say i did. assemblies where just an exucse for me to go to mcdondalds for breakfast dinner and lunch

  • LukeN

    cant say i did. assemblies where just an exucse for me to go to mcdondalds for breakfast dinner and lunch

  • seeitallclearlynow

    LOL LukeN!

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I use to carry those little fans that operate off a 9 volt battery in a attempt to keep cool in the hot sun, and my fathers tape recorders to record the programs!

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