I like to call Bethel once a month just to bug them.

by Atilla 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atilla

    Who here likes to call up Bethel and just bug them? It all started like 6 months ago when I had some serious questions about baptism nullification. Of course, I couldn't call from home, so I use payphones but too bad their number isn't toll free-damn cheap skates. It really is fun to call and just make that guy try to wiggle out of something. I am always polite, but I just keep giving it too him. On the baptism nullification issue, I called twice and both times his defense was weak and circular. I would say that I won both debates. I just wonder if they rotate those brothers out at the call center because if every call is like mine, I'm sure they lose one from time to time if they were exposed to that kind of questioning everyday. Oh, and often the sister will put you on hold because she has no idea what department to transfer you to if you ask something about the UN. Oh, and they will ask you if you are a elder. Just say yes and that your kingdom hall is being overrun by apostates. You need emergency spiritual assistance-that always gets them going. Plus, as a added bonus-they play kingdom melodies while you're on hold.

    If your bored-number to bethel (718) 560-5000

  • Robdar
    Oh, and they will ask you if you are a elder. Just say yes and that your kingdom hall is being overrun by apostates. You need emergency spiritual assistance-that always gets them going. Plus, as a added bonus-they play kingdom melodies while you're on hold.


    If your bored-number to bethel (718) 560-5000



  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas
    Oh, and they will ask you if you are a elder. Just say yes

    Especially if you're female! Pick a first name for yourself that could be either male or female - Jan, Pat, Billie, Jamie, etc - and pick a last name from anywhere - WTS history and the list of current corporate officers provide some good ones.

    Billie Russell, Jamie Franz, Pat Rutherford, Jan Knorr ...

  • avishai

    keep in mind that they record their phone calls

  • logansrun


    keep in mind that they record their phone calls

    Do you or anyone else have any type of evidence for that assertion? Or is it just hearsay? Bradley

  • Atilla

    Yeah, if they do record your phone calls, they have to reveal that, or otherwise I believe it is against the law. I always call from pay phones and use throw out phone cards, call me paranoid. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if they did record your phone calls.

  • Mulan

    This all sounds pretty odd to me. I've called a couple of times about my mother and the first thing they did was ask me my name and what congregation, and I can hear them typing on a keyboard. Even though we have been inactive for nearly 7 years, my name showed up on that congregation's list. I didn't get anywhere until they verified me.

    That happened both times I called.

  • eisenstein

    Atilla, ROFLMAO too...I never thought of doing this, you are too much...LOL...thanks for the ideas...
    oh, LOL

  • Atilla


    All I can say is what happened when I called actually just last month ago. They did ask me what state I was calling from and this info. I did give out but you could simply make it up. After this I was directed to they guy in charge as they like to say. However, he did try to ask what congregation I was from and what my name was at which point I said I'm not giving that info. out for my own protection-that pretty much stopped him dead in his tracks. This idiot at Bethel told me that I should ask my local elders about baptism nullification, yeah right. At that point, I told him he was full of lies and that I wanted to hear the viewpoint from the top since elders can't really act on their own merit anyways. They are all frikin puppets. Oh, on the way to work today I saw some witnesses street witnessing-I was going to yell profanities at them while I drove by but it was just too cold out. I figure they were suffering enough already.

  • sf

    I have phoned Bethel on several occassions too. I told them I knew it was being recorded too. He did not deny it. I suggested he record ALL CALLS as a matter of FACT. And I proceeded with my "message".

    FRIENDLY word of caution regarding:

    . Oh, on the way to work today I saw some witnesses street witnessing-I was going to yell profanities at them while I drove by but it was just too cold out. I figure they were suffering enough already.

    Some cities and states consider this a "hate crime". It's best to not approach them in this manner, as it could be criminal. Then you would defeat your purpose.

    Next time, hand them a flyer you have printed out and have on-hand on any number of topics that expose WT for it's corruption and deception. It's legal.

    {{ WELL WISHES and HUGS }}


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