Request for Opinions

by patio34 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • patio34

    I requested that my sons (both JWs) come to my home for a family meeting today. Had nothing to do with religion. Both of them know I don't go to meetings and that I have intellectual disagreement with WTBS.

    Son #2 said that before we begin the meeting, he would like to offer up prayer. I said "no, don't do that." A little disagreeing back and forth. Son #1 (very reasonable) said "just let it go.'

    My reaction sprang from the rationale that it is my home, I'm the parent(!), and that I called the meeting. I took offense at my son trying to take it over and making it 'theocratic' and injecting something into it I no longer believed.

    It would have been different in their home(s).

    So, he recovered his composure and I got a beer for everyone and the meeting proceeded.
    Any dissenting viewpoints? Any agreement?



  • Seeker

    I think you were correct. And for the same reasons. It was in your house, and therefore your wishes should be considered.

  • waiting

    I think you handled your situation quite nicely. It is your house, and you have the right to say, within reason, how things are done.

    Congratulations. The beer was a nice touch too, sis.


  • Introspection

    Why would there be any question? If he really wants to pray, he can say it to himself. If you don't want to hear it, you shouldn't have to.

    "It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease."--Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

  • patio34

    Thanks so much for your opinions. I had thought maybe I was being petty and stubborn. So it's good to bounce this off reasonable people.

    Introspection, I did tell him he could say a private prayer. And, to his credit, he didn't sulk.

    Waiting, I'm glad you liked the beer aspect. I thought it would be a good substitute for preparing dinner for everyone!

    Seeker, thanks. If anyone was rude or out-of-place, it was him.

    I feel better about it now and am glad I didn't 'compromise.' JWs use too many words to excess and now it's hard to say them myself. Words like compromise, integrity, comment, experience, ENCOURAGE, truth, etc.


  • Prisca


    You did the right thing. It was a family meeting, called by you, and had nothing to do with religion.

    Although #2 may have had good intentions, he acted inappropriately.

    And the beer was a good idea!

  • Tina

    Hi Patio!!

    I think you handled it quite well! It's your home and your 'space' to be used as you see fit.
    If anyone requested the same of me I'd also refuse.
    BTW,also wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your insightful posts.
    Warm regards,Tina

  • hippikon


  • Francois

    I'm with everyone else. But would like to point out that a son, or anyone else, that comes into your home and arrogates to himself the right to suggest prayer or anything else is utterly out of line.

    I think he'd have been just as out of line to say, "now before we get started, Dad why don't you get a beer for everyone."


  • patio34

    Prisca, Tina, and Hippikon, Thanks for your supportive opinions. It helps to see things from more than one point of view. And, of course, only us xjws have the entire perspective on things like these.

    Tina, thanks for the compliment. And I have always enjoyed yours--so often, i'll be thinking of posting to a thread and then read your comment and it'll be right on target with my thinking! Just happened yesterday, as a matter of fact, on the McVeigh thread i think.

    This board has been such a help to me and I think of y'all (as my sis Waiting might say) as friends.

    OH! Francoise, I guess my name is gender-vague, but it's from Patricia, so my son REALLY would have been out of line saying "Dad"! Thanks for the post. You picked up on the one thing I hadn't mentioned and that is the arrogance of my son. He is. He'll make a great 'company man' (Ray Franz's term for elders) some day! ):



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