Could a JW pharmacist give out the morning after pill?

by Atilla 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus
    Yes...the same way someone can sell or stock cigarettes at a grocery store.

    IIRC, JWs can't work for a tobacconist or at a counter specifically selling cigarettes, etc. in a larger store, according to articles in the mags. Would a JW who buys a grocery store or newsagents' businesss be expected to divest themselves of that profitable line that probably figured as a significant part of the business's goodwill?

  • tinkerafbrat

    If you work at a video store, can you rent someone an R rated movie??

    If you work at a drug store, can you sell a single person condoms (you know what they are going to do with them.....!!)

    If you are Nurse, can you hand the Doctor a unit of blood? and Can you assist on a surgery where the doctor uses blood?

    I think it's just another excuse for some to not be gainfuly employeed, which seems to run rampant.

    I am sick of hearing "you aren't going to need that job in the paradise."

    I have a bad habit of liking to eat and have clothes and a roof over my head.........Colour me stupid, but that means I have to be employeed.

  • Flash

    I'm not pro abortion but I am PRO reasonableness. The 'make up the rules as we go' approach the GB has doesn't work, and in my opinion, it's primarily based on feelings/emotions and not consistent and hypocritical. So who knows how the GB will rule on this one.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I have a bad habit of liking to eat and have clothes and a roof over my head.........Colour me stupid, but that means I have to be employeed.


  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Yes they could. The JW's are strict, but not that obsessive.

    For the everyday shopping mall or hospital pharmisist, it's incidental to their main work and does not imply to the public that they condone that particular medication. It'd be different if they were the parmacist for an abortion clinic where they are linked to the 'sin' directly and publicly.

    In the same way, a JW doctor can order a blood transfusion, and a nurse can administer one - there was an article some years ago on that - but, it'd be different if they worked for a blood bank and transusion related work was their 'bread & butter' as they'd be seen to condone the 'ungodly' practices of 'sinners'.

    If they were making these things thier main business, they would have to quit either the job or the JW's.


    (R rated video's - sure, but not from an adult bookstore; Condoms? Giving them to your unmarried children may get you in strife though...)

  • DIM

    I remember working in a grocery store when I was 14 (12 years ago) and at first I was told that I would not be able to sell cigarettes or stock them....I think they eased up on that over that year maybe....which means, I think they would be able to sell the pill. but i could be totally wrong here, beats me.

  • Soledad

    It's known that regular oral contraceptives can be used as the morning after pill when taken in a certain dosage. If any JW that works as a pharmacist and dispenses birth control pills he/she must deal with this realization. It's also not limited to JWs, but to people of all faiths.

  • Gordy

    Strange we had a similar case here in England the other week. A woman went into a local supermarket where they had a pharmacist counter, asking for the morning after pill. The pharmacist refused to serve her. Saying it was against his Christian principles to do so.

    see link

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