Is this Completely Apostate

by redline 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • redline

    I just happened on this place a few days ago, and thought I would stop in to see what it was all about. It claims to be a Jehovah's Witness forum, which it is not.

    Dont want to come here and point fingers, as I am sure there are some good people in here, just seems the bad have followed the good. I guess in reality thats always the case, but hey, what else would these people do if they couldn't wage their little war on the Truth. I guess thats enough said, problem is apostates talk so much, but only the rotten listen. I guess misery does love company, one worthless life enjoys another.


  • expatbrit


    Ya! Vat vunderbar zeal fur ze Trut!

    Let uz seize all zees "vorthless lives" und gas zem in big ovens!

    Zat vill make Got very appy, ya?


  • SixofNine

    Redline, welcome to the discussions. I was a JW all my life, up to just a few months ago (technically still am). I can honestly say that the primary reason I am not associated anymore, is the misuse of the word "truth" that you, me, and all JW's engaged in.

    The real question for you, is are YOU one of the "good ones" you mention? If the word "truth" is just another word for what you call your social community, ie. Jehovah's Witnesses, then you are not one of the good ones.

    I love the company of truth seekers. I'm not miserable in the least. Perhaps your post was not directed towards anyone like myself. Care to clarify?

  • Amazing

    Redline: It all depends on what you mean by 'apostate.' If you mean those that no longer agree with the Watch Tower religion, then yes, this forum is mostly made up of former Jehovah's Witnesses. If you mean Biblical apostasy from Jesus Christ, then this room is largely Christian.

    As far as your jibes at our lives, well, you are unimpressive, and likely just trying to heckle us. But, if you were a true believe in the Watch Tower religion, your would obey your 'mommy' organization Nov99KM and not even wander around on the Internet, much less make a comment here.

    And, your 'mommy' organization is about to be exposed for the fraud she is. And then you might be wondering whose life is really worthless. - Amazing

  • Flip

    Expatbrit, maligning Germanic dictatorial regimes by attributing redlines comments, as ideas despotic governments would somehow gravitate, is not helping.


  • outcast

    You stumbled on this site a few days ago and just now posted?
    Did it take you that long to read everything?
    But hey, what else could bored "faithful" witnesses do if they couldn't read "apostate sites"?

    So are you the good following the bad, or the other way around?

  • digderidoo

    Redline, welcome i hope you stick the way love you too

    Yours dig

    Think not about trying to add days to your life, but instead think about adding life to your days.

  • redline

    Just to clear things up, yes I am a Jehovah's Witness. I do refer to the truth, not as a social community, but in reference to the religion that I practice. New compared to most, baptized 4 years, but still strong in my resolution.

    My question is if this forum is for former witness, or those that just disagree with the religion as a whole. Then why use the description "Online Meeting area for brothers & sisters" other then to bait witness to this place? Your all right, the organization does caution about the Internet, and this would be the reason why. Not that you have all the right answers, and they are trying to protect their interests. More accurately that most of you are trying to drag people from the religion, so dont associate with those that want to destroy you. So my visit is short, and beyond my better judgment.

    Outkast, I dont spend large quantities of time reading forums, yea I stumbled on this place a couple days ago, but just today started to check some of the topics.

  • expatbrit


    That's right. You certainly wouldn't catch your self-respecting German dictatorial regime viewing anyone's lives as worthless, would you.


  • Farkel

    : New compared to most, baptized 4 years, but still strong in my resolution.

    Only four years, huh? Then you don't know squat. Stick around you might learn something about the history of your religion. It will all be quotes from your very own literature, so you can go home or to the hall and verify them.

    If you have half a conscience or an ounce of ethics and integrity then I can guarantee you won't like what you see.


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