shoot it down

by webclocker 67 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    got children have you remmember there under your control till there 30 do you realy beleive it going that far.

    Well, yes. I do.

    For thousands of years people have asserted, just as you do now, that the end is imminent. They have ranted and raved just as you are now, and cited countless sources as proof. What do they all have in common? They have all been wrong. By the very book from which you claim to find your truth you are commanded to ignore the words of a source that dares to prophesy in the name of the Lord but whose prophesies do not come to pass (see Deuteronomy 18:22). You embrace the teachings of a false prophet, and by your own standards cannot be trusted.

    If a sense of urgency gives you purpose and comfort in your life, I am pleased for you. You will be happy in your belief that there is gigantic prize for your dilligence right around the corner, and it will give you a goal to strive for. You seem secure in your 'knowledge' about what is to come. I say with equal strength of belief that I do not presume to know what the fate of mankind will be. I will live my life and raise my children with the conviction that what I do now, this day, this hour is my work. If I am to be judged, it will be on the merits of my life, and not by the yardstick held by the Watchtower.

  • jgnat

    Sara Annie, I really liked this comment:

    ... that all of the assumptions based on flimsy 'evidence' you assert here as fact will only be swallowed down as truth by other people with the same desperate need to believe them

    In one of my more charitable moments, I mused on what circumstances mighs create an obsessive person like this. Perhaps somebody who MUST make sense out of senseless events, such as 9/11?

  • willyloman

    Webclocker: Perhaps if you had read a couple of hundred posts before you jumped in, you'd know you can't just come here and throw down the gauntlet with some half-baked argument. Many people here actually know what the bible says and have a well thought out opinion on it. Also, they can spell.

  • shamus
    jesus love you this you know cause the bible tells you so. but remmber the flood.

    uhhh. i woooove woooo... jexus kill you flood in time. you an your kids...

    Too bad onacruise de-activated your account; maybe now you can go get therapy.

    Where do you think this guy lives?

    a) In a luxury condo.

    b) In a modest house.

    c) In a basement suite in a dumpy part of town

    d) In a van down by the river.

    I would have to say c or d.

    Oh, my parting words, BYE BYE FREAK.

    Love, Brian.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    To quote Billy Madison:

    What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard.

    At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.

    Everyone in this room is now dumber for having heard it.

    I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul..

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    LOL @ Wintson & shamus,

    Ah man. That guy was hysterical, did we have to de-activate his account.

    maybe he was a zealot stuck in the house with a broken leg or more likely a brain tumor.

  • neophbic

    what does this scripture say to you

    acts 5: 39

    what you actualy did was to deny people there right to choose, you shut it off, why did you do that, because you decided for other people. you knew better.

    isnt that what all the other religeons do dont listen to him listen to us. like the scripture says. id like to take this opportunity to introduce my self WEBCLOCKER is my name. surley you didnt think that it was going to be that easy SHOOT IT DOWN. go on look it up

    or are you going to de activate this account. how sad that you think it possibly be that simple, any one can go to hotmail yahoo and umpteen e mail providers. is your mind realy that small that that is the best you can do. there is another scripture i could use to describe you lot see if you can guess, its about shaking the dust from your feet but were not there yet

    good night WEBCLOCKER see you soon maybe under another alias but im always going to be here spelling mistakes and all

    oh bye the way dont delete the shoot it down there are too many people have seen it. like my new alias YOU just couldnt see it

  • Valis

    this thread is locked and aint the best we can do, but I sincerely doubt any here to to be saved or proselytized to...good bye...again...


    District Overbeer

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