JW's and Unemployment benefits

by PopeOfEruke 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • PopeOfEruke

    The WT Society is so proud in promoting the notion that all JW's are so law-abiding and how they pay all their taxes.

    Yet there seems to be no moral problem for them when a Jehovahs Witness elder can be a full-time regular pioneer AND at the same time collect unemployment benefits. And not just in the short-term but in one case the elder has been a full-time pioneer for many years, all the while collecting unemployment benefits from the government.

    So if there are any active brothers or sisters reading this post, could you please explain to me how this is not dishonest, just as dishonest as not paying taxes? Why are JW's the biggest 2-faced hypocrites around?

    My children look around my family members, and out of all my siblings,

    • ALL the ones who are JW's live off the government, either on unemployment benefits while fulltime pioneering, or else on sickness benefits, because they have a crooked doctor who is happy to keep writing medical certificates for completely healthy (but unfortunately very lazy) people.
    • ALL the non-JW siblings work full-time and pay taxes. Taxes which keep the bludging JW relatives in food and home.

    My kids asked me: Daddy,why do you have to work all time, why can't you get government money and live for free like all the Jehovahs Witnesses??

    I would like to hear a Jehovahs Witness answer that for me!

    My answer to my kids is : Because I AM HONEST!! Unlike Jehovahs Witnesses who lie and cheat, because they are like their father, Satan the Devil.


  • DIM

    I don't think you can seriously make the argument that ALL JW's are dishonest. Thats ridiculous. Just like you can't make the argument that all XJW's are honest, its just not true. There are good and bad people in all groups. Thats humanity.

  • PopeOfEruke


    the thing that upsets me is that high-profile JW Elders who are regular pioneers can live off unemployment benefits. ALL the other elders in that congregation and I guess a lot of congregation members must know it. Bethel MUST know it, because this elder is used as a substititue Circuit Overseer at times.

    So JW Headquarters obviously fully condones cheating the unemployment benefits from the government, yet at the same time it proclaims out of the other side of its lying mouth that ALL JW's are honest and "we pay our taxes".

    Its the endemic dishonesty that permeates from the very top of the Organisation down to the congregations.

    And YES! I say that if a honest JW (here I give you the benefit of the doubt and assume they exist) knows about such things and keep quiet about them, then HE IS ALSO PART OF THE DISHONESTY.

    Hope this helps.


    PS By the way, I also believe that ALL Ex-JW's are dishonest evil beer-swilling porn peddlars....especially the ones on this board.

  • Odrade

    Yeah, that's one of my beefs too. My brother (an elder) took advantage of unemployment so he could pioneer too. The thing that chapped my ass is that none of the JW family had any problem with that. They were all "he's using his opportunities to serve Jehovah what a blessing>" I'm all "what a crock! he should be looking for a job instead of bilking the system!"

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Actually the Organizationis pretty negative about people doing this,some still do but the boys in New York don't like it. I know the told one brother by letter that it would be inappropriate for him to take bankruptcy and then pionneer.

  • badboy

    As I mentioned in a previous post,MINISTERS OF RELIGION R CONSIDERED SELF-EMPLOYED(so I understand) and self-employed people can't claim the dole.


  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    I knew an elder and his wife (full time pioneers) who had no medical Insurance. They would let the state pay for their medical bills since their income was so low. So, the world which the Jw's condemns is good enough to support thier ministry. Leeches!!!

  • worldlygirl

    On another note, my ex's father, mother and younger brother (JW's) ALL work for cash under the table and pay no taxes on that income. That always pissed me off that they could be so self-righteous about religion, and all the while steal from the government.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    WOW! The question as well as the answer are both so wrong in nature!!!!!!!!! The kid has the excuse of not being mature enough to see each case individually, though.

    In the Spanish congregation I attend (well, sometimes), the vast majority works, and work hard they do! Of course, you will find 1 or 2 housewives, 2 or 3 old age retirees, 1 or 2 disabled, and yes, perhaps 1 or 2 collecting unemployment benefits. And, so what?!!!!!!! The statistics aren't that far out from the regular population!!!

    Generalizations and stereotypes are just not smart at all. Now, POE, you wouldn't want to contribute to your children's miseducation, now would you?!!! Please repair the damaging information you've given at once!

    DY (smiles)

  • Jomavrick

    I disagree with your statement. Unemployment does not work that way, check your state Workforce Development Agency, they will send you a free book on the rules of unemployment insurance for businesses and claimants.

    Someone who is able to work cannot endlessly receive unemployment benefits.

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