Shunned by Family

by happyagain 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • garybuss

    Be glad they stay away, especially if you have children. I wish they had stayed away from me and my kids. Family does not shun and snub. Relatives sometimes do, but not family. If a relative shuns or snubs me, they sure as hell are not family any longer after that. GaryB

  • bebu

    You know, I think of DFd JWs sitting in the back of the hall, trying to get reinstated, everyone ignoring them...

    I think that if anyone here is still attending a hall, it would be a duty to surreptitiously greet these folks, by eye contact or discreet greetings or whatever. Touch the "unclean lepers".

    That is the point where "love" comes in, isn't it? To love people for where they are, at any moment, and not wait for them to get to the point where they "deserve love".


  • flower

    Welcome Happyagain,

    I know how you feel. My son is 4 and a half and he and I have been robbed of pretty much all family due to the wonderful 'love' that this 'only true religion' shows. I lost three sisters, four brothers, two nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins because of Gods loving disfellowshipping arrangement. The only fleshly relatives I have that treat me like I am a human being is a brother who I see maybe once a year because he lives 500 miles away and his 2 year old daughter.

    I feel angry like you but I dont think their veil of secrecy is going to last very much longer. I have no doubt the public will get to know the damage they cause to people and families and then people will stop joining. There has already been a lot of publicity in the past couple of years and I think it will only increase. I hope so.

  • galaxy7

    Jesus said besides loving god

    to love your neighbour as yourself is the greatest comandment

    By shunning you how are they fufilling this comandment that Jesus gave?

    I feel for you and your family and I will never shun you


  • Flash

    Self righteous, narrow minded, blind following hypocrites is what they are!

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