Does the Watchtower Doctrine exist?

by family_man 38 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • GotJesus

    She may as well follow my teachings, Im a man who has my own take on everything. Am I right? Its not right & wrong but more.... Live & let Die.

  • Love_Truth

    You can get everything you need at many good websites:

    Are a start, just type "Jehovah's Witnesses" into a search engine, you'll find plenty.

    Their methods are gradual and insidious, I'd be redundant by saying anymore. Look at the sites above for details.

  • BeelzeDub
    My wife was told they are a group of scholars who have interpreted the bible to it's fullest meaning.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    The Spanish congregation is worse that the English one! More controlling, getting more into your personal business, showing up unannounced and uninvited to your home, and expecting to be entertained often too, as a sign of hospitality so they say.

    Oh brother, are you ever in for a rollercoaster ride!


  • Carmel

    the ultimate answer to your questions is contained in the "oath of alegiance" she will have to take when she is baptized. Mind you, not in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as the bible adumbrates, but to the Society her loyalty must be sworn. Think about it!


  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Does the Watchtower Doctrine exist?

    Answer: What doctrine? -----There is always "new light."

    Mr Kim

  • Faraon

    Family Man,

    I am going to Kingdom Hall with her tonight to keep an I on her and learn more. I feel strong enough in bodymind and spirit to do so.

    Any more advise would be helpful in helping me contain myself tonight - I feel like bringin up these points you raise about what WTS becomes after baptism.

    Thanks to everyone for your advice. It is hard to do this at home (I don't want to reveal myself yet) and at work.

    It would be a good idea to bring a tape recorder, especially when they talk about family, and what they think and say about non JWs. It will show that they think that the whole world is corrupt and under the control of Satan. You'll need them when you get in a custody battle. They will claim freedom of religion and that they teach wholesome values. They even have a booklet to prepare witnesses about what to do in case of a custody battle. If you become a witness and cut off your friends and family, you'll be at the losing end. They will back her up, and you'll have no one on your side. Start documenting everything and taking your children with you to a fun place when she goes to meetings.

    There is a poster here named Blondie that posts the following Watchtower meetings with questions to ask. You can ask them since you are only "an interested party".

    Judges will back you up when they see that your children are constantly exposed to a fear that their father will die in Armageddon, will become social outcasts, will not be allowed to participate in team sports, the Boy and Girl Scouts, will consume an inorditate time in meetings, will not be allowed to take blood transfusions, their choice in future jobs (they cannot become soldiers, police officers, hold a political job, etc.) and their contacts with non-JW families will be severed, among others.

    I was a JW myself, but it was not until after I left that my neighbor told me that my driveway was full of cars while I was at work. I always wondered how a family of four would spend 250 a week on groceries, especially since she, even though did not work, only fed me once a day on weekdays and never on weekends. Even while I was a JW she was sneaking behind my back and feeding the whole crowd! As a male, I would never go into a house if the husband was not there, but women are sneakier.

    Don't buy into this morally (meaning sexually) cleaner b*ll sh*t. Whenever my ex used to tell me that, I would shoot back that they don't publish statistics, but judging from her own family and mine, it was not true. My only JW aunt had two daughters. One of them, a married one, was found naked in a motel with three men. She had been disfellowshipped twice before for adultery. She has three brothers. Two of them were JW and one of them was an elder. Both were disfellowshipped for adultery. The elder one with a minor only three years older than his first-born. My JW neighbor was divorced three times because his wives, all "sisters," were unfaithful to him. He only caught them because he secretly taped his phone. She would answer that they are not JWs at the time, but I would tell her that that was no excuse because they did it while they were in the cult, and therefore being in the cult is no garantee of marital fidelity.

    On a related area, a year ago my daughter came while I was watching a specil Dateline program about the pedophilia cover-up issue on the JWs. She started to become upset. When I asked her why she told me that her mother had asked her 18 times (yes, I guess she was counting them) if I ever molested her, her own father, but never asked about any of the "brothers". That is how brainwashed these people are. She knows I am always home, never was unfaithful, even to this date I have never been out socially with a woman, to which I have a right since we are divorced. Yet she dared to question my integrity to my daughter but never about a JW!

    Pete's advice was great, but I would prepare for the worst. In case it happens, you'll be prepared.

  • LittleToe


    Did you know that the Watchtower teaches that Jesus Christ is the mediator for ONLY the 144,000 who the WTB&TS say will be co-rulers with him in heaven, and that Jesus Christ is NOT the mediator for people of the "great crowd" class who expect to live forever on earth? The WTB&TS tells the "great crowd" that their mediator is the Watchtower bible & Tract Society!

    Nathan quoted the single strongest point that should make any real live "Christian" run for cover.
    If I may, I'd like to sum their doctrine, on that point, up another way:

    1. Christ is mediator for 144,000 "special" JW's (of whom only 8,000 are extant today)
    2. The organization is mediator for 6,000,000 JW's
    3. Everyone else have no mediator and will die soon, unless they become JW's
    4. Other "Christian" groups are worse still, and will REALLY die!
    5. Other "Christian" clergy (especially the Pope") are the worst of the lot, being "apostate" and will REALLY REALLY die!!!
    6. Anyone who leaves the JW's, and joins a church , or opposes the JW's, also belong in the last group

    Oh, and btw, Joker IS a hypocrite. By their rules he shouldn't be here.
    Sure, their group is high on morals, but it ranks pretty low on ethics.

  • Sirona

    I used to be JW and I still have family who are JWs.

    My mother is JW and my step-dad isn't. She doesn't do any holidays and she goes to every meeting (leaving him at home 3 x per week), plus conventions, field service, etc.

    This type of tactic has worked for me, so I thought I'd suggest the following

    * Suggest that if the JW is "the Truth" then it should stand up to any scrutiny. It should not be a problem to examine both sides of the story

    * Then say that you will attend the hall with her, as long as she will also look at anything you find that might be relevant to show "both sides" of the point (including other bibles, other books not published by WTS etc.) She should agree to this considering she isn't fully "in" yet and make the first point again if she refuses (e.g. WHY can't we examine it, if it is the truth there should be no problem?)

    * Tactfully present any information you find that is contrary to JW doctrine. You could say "this is wierd, look what I found when I looked into the older magazines....." and seem shocked yourself. She will not have her defenses up and might look at the information to make sense of it herself

    * Since you are christian, emphasise the true message of Jesus and show that we don't need an earthly "organisation" to be acceptable. The scribes and pharisees made many rules just like the WTS.

    Don't give up. Some JW women do not leave their husbands, but there is a very real danger that even if she stays it will impact your life in a bad, bad way. Whatever you do, don't let the children go with her.


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