Morris has JW's CLAP for child that died from "NO BLOOD"

by wifibandit 14 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • wifibandit

    Thanks to Anon for the source video and to Cappytan for video editing & upload!

    Anthony Morris III, Knoxville Tennessee Sunday 2016-07-03

  • Giordano

    I couldn't really tell from the video but it didn't sound like every body was that happy about the child dying.

    An idiot..... Morris........ addressing the sheep.

    I wonder how many parents in the audience looked at their children sitting next to them and said NFW!

  • freemindfade

    Simply put, this practice is child sacrifice to a bronze age desert deity.

    Wake up lurkers...

  • millie210

    Several years back a Canadian ethics committee and a liaison committee sent by the Canadian Branch Bethel sat down and approved a letter that would allow JW parents to exercise their christian conscience while keeping the child protective services out of the situation.

    This document is called "LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING" and the Society has already quietly allowed its use in the U.S. also.

    I know of a case where it was used at Shands Teaching Hospital in Florida.

    Yet and still, the Org is completely silent on letting parents know this "work around" exists.

    To have a blood doctrine they believe so sincerely they live and die by it is one thing.

    To have a blood doctrine they are quietly backing away from and NOT let parents know about this LOU (letter of understanding) is many times more cowardly and reprehensible then having a stupid interpretation of their religious belief on blood.

  • dubstepped

    To be fair, the clapping was about seeing him again in the resurrection, not that he died. That doesn't negate the fact that everything they do is based on false reasoning, and that a child likely died when he didn't have to (don't know if blood would have truly saved him), but it seems a bit click-bait-y to link their clapping with his death rather than his resurrection.

  • millie210
    To be fair, the clapping was about seeing him again in the resurrection, not that he died. That doesn't negate the fact that everything they do is based on false reasoning, and that a child likely died when he didn't have to (don't know if blood would have truly saved him), but it seems a bit click-bait-y to link their clapping with his death rather than his resurrection.

    Hi dub,

    I like having your take on this. I get very angry and emotional when the blood issue and children comes up.

    I want a clear perspective and I see your words as a good counterbalance.

    Balance in all things, right?

    The question still on the table (for me) is why wont the Org let parents know about that letter?

  • sparky1

    Just remember folks, Jehovah HATES child sacrifice..........unless of course it is his idea or the idea of His ORGANIZATION!

  • dubstepped

    Oh Millie, I hate their policy and everything to do with it for sure. I just think that it's easy to make more of a situation than there is because of that hatred. Emotionally charged subjects can make for the most irrational discussions. It's easy for me to get worked up about anything having to do with kids because they have no choice.

  • Heartsafire

    This is horrible, immoral, and I feel wretched after seeing this. This child is being heralded as a martyr by this religion. More like an innocent victim of brainwashing and familial pressure. I hurt for those little ones who are ready to be sacrificed by their parents to their real God--the organization. How is this any different from passing their children through the fires to molech in the bible? If this doesn't scream under demonic influence and/or cult propaganda I don't know what does.

  • Giordano

    It looks like a release for the hospital to take on the full responsibility should an emergency develop and other means fail. It's interesting.

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