It is ironic that they discourage college, but need money. The ones with education and good jobs are the ones who have money to donate. It’s an inherent contradiction. The LDS figured it out long ago, but the WT just doesn’t get it
2024 Annual Meeting Doctrinal Change
by Listener 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Geoffrey Jackson, "we just don't know"...I guess he hasn't learned the WTS trick, "the bible does not say, but" and precedes to give an answer.
Would God permit nuclear war?
The Bible does not say. It does say that “fearful sights,” or terrifying events, would occur in our day. (Luke 21:11) An example of such events includes atomic bombs being dropped during the Second World War.
How long did it take Noah to build the ark?
The Bible does not say how long it took Noah to build the ark, but it seems that he spent several decades building it. Noah was more than 500 years old when his first son was born, and he was 600 years old when the Flood occurred.b—Genesis 5:32; 7:6.
God told Noah to build the ark after his three sons were grown and married, which could have taken some 50 or 60 years. (Genesis 6:14, 18) Based on this possibility, it seems reasonable to conclude that the ark could have taken 40 or 50 years to complete.
blondie, I was scratching my head about their estimate of how long Noah took to build the Ark when I read that article in the 90s. I knew about the 120 years and that they claim to be the new ark and saw that they could claim the new ark could take 120 years to get everyone in, thus giving themselves a new date of 2034.
They never did though. Perhaps even they got sick of date setting.
Good observation on the 'We just don't know' by G Jackson, he repeated it numerous times.
The crazy thing is that at one time, they professed to know those answers. The light has just gone completely black all of a sudden and he admits it.
He often ridicules past GB members without realising he is doing it.
when he says really is this really the case!
he is saying past GB members got it wrong and they were stupid for believing and he comes across all high and mighty that we are so smart to have figured this out now.
Really Geoffrey
GOD DAMN! if they didn't finally get something right!
Even a busted analog clock tells the correct time twice a day.
NotFormer - “…Perhaps even they got sick of date setting.”
Historically, apocalyptic groups have needded to occasionally date-set to stir up membership zeal.
The Org has such a poor track record, however, that the tactic is long past it’s sell-by date.