Anointed in JW's midst?

by Noumenon 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Noumenon

    In your time with JW's did you meet any of the 'anointed' ?

    I have met a number over the years, and they all seemed very normal, intelligent, balanced, loving people.

    I've met a few obviously 'bogus' ones too.

    My question is (atheists, agnostics, and God/bible basher please ignore and move on to another thread): What if there ARE genuinely anointed Christians in JW's midst? What in fact if the majority of those who take the emblems, or say at least half, really are what they feel they are? What if in fact the only anointed ones on earth today, if such exist, are amonst JW's only? Where does that then leave us, even though the JW leadership are obviously in error on many things.

    If there really are genuine anointed ones amonst JW's, it creates a bit of a dilemma for opponents of the organisation does it not?

    Or is everyone on this site convinced that every one of those 8,000 odd partakers have just convinced themselves they are of the heavenly calling and are just totally deluded?

  • Elsewhere

    My mom and grand father were annointed... I saw nothing special about them... well maybe they were a bit "special" in a less flattering way.

  • Amazing

    During my 27 years of association and 25 years as a baptized JW, I professed to be Anointed for a little over 20 years ... including the time I served as Ministerial Servant and later on as Elder.

    I have posted on the topic many times on this and other boards. Briefly, the entire JW religion is false, including its understanding of Christian anointing ... the JWs may a big exclusive mystery out of it and confine the hope to a limited number ... whereas the Christian portion of the Bible the anointing is a mere feature of many features of being a Christian and is something ALL Christians enjoy.

    I no longer make any big deal out of it, as I do not suscribe to JW doctrine on anointing ... but more importantly, I have serious questions about the Bible and about God's purposes ... and God's relationship with the human race ... so, I no longer deal with this feature until I resolve these other issues ... but, I can say as I did in earlier posts, that as a JW my 'Anointing' was a genuine and properly based as any other Anointed JW.

    If you like, I will bring a post of two to the top ... or better yet, later on when I have some more time, I will post the links here on your post.

    Jim Whitney

  • blondie

    My grandparents were JWs (actually Bible Students) when everyone was anointed. Think about your old congregation, think that everyone was anointed with the same old personalities. No difference. The ones I knew from that generation were pretty gung ho on preaching but not on following the WTS procedures, like using territories and making return visits. They just preached where they wanted to, pushed literature, and never cared much about starting studies. None of them were deep Bible scholars.


  • Greenpalmtreestillmine


    I believe we can trust in God completely. God will set all matters straight and no matter if we believe in him or in religion or in Christianity etc., he will absolutely help all of us.

    And if there are people in the Watchtower that are truly anointed with God's Spirit yet the Watchtower leadership has caused some of us or them to stumble and to doubt then it is they, the Watchtower leadership, who should fear and not us. If the Apostles Paul and Peter had misled and mistreated Christ's disciples to the point of causing many of his disciples to be discouraged and stumbled, God would hold responsible the ones who claimed to be shepherds yet proved to be false shepherds and he would call the lost sheep to himself.

    It is paramount though to continue to have faith in God. Not for his sake but for ours. Faith in God helps us to continue on in that same road we started in, whether with or without the Watchtower. We personally are happier for it, that's why it's important to keep going as we started out. Either way though, God will help us to have faith when his time arrives to do so.

    This board is a hard place for any who still believe in God or in Christ. I have been reluctant to post about my beliefs here as a result of that.


  • Euphemism

    My father is 'anointed', and aside from the cognitive dissonance that comes from his attachment to the WTS, he's a perfectly normal, rational individual.

    Otherwise sane and normal people, of many different denominations, have 'religious experiences.' That doesn't prove anything.

    What if in fact the only anointed ones on earth today, if such exist, are amonst JW's only?
    And why would they have any greater claim than the many Evangelicals and Baptists--normal, rational people--who say that they felt Jesus come into their heart?
  • czarofmischief

    I believe we can trust in God completely. God will set all matters straight and no matter if we believe in him or in religion or in Christianity etc., he will absolutely help all of us.

    Amen. That's my religion.

    I don't even believe in Jesus anymore - the issue is too clouded and obscured for me to make any definitive statements along those lines. I will admit that all things are possible with God and then leave it alone for everyone to make up their own minds as to what they need. But I know God, and I know that I need admit no mediator between him and myself - for what son needs to talk to his father through a messenger?

    As for the resurrection, or reincarnation, or whatever, I have opinions that seem to make sense to me, but to be fanatical about these ideas would be to deny my life experience of continually learning to TRUST GOD.

    I think our current societal wave of spiritual uncertainty is a chance for us to cling to what is truly important - personal faith in a Creator that knows who I am and cares what I do. And that Good will triumph in the end.

    Oh yes, never confuse Good with Nice.


  • Euphemism
    Oh yes, never confuse Good with Nice

    While you're stopping to look at the flowers?

  • willyloman

    I knew several who professed to be. Whack jobs, all of them.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Growing up in the Watchtower, I knew a couple of people who claimed to be anointed.

    I think the best way that I can describe them is "gentle to the point of weakness."

    I wouldn't describe any of them as "intelligent" or "balanced." Sincere, perhaps...

    One was a spinster who took her vow of chastity as a child when Rutherford issued the "Children" book, Ann Sabalow.

    Another was a young bethelite named Bob Smith from Kentucky. He eventually married a JW divorcee named Trudy, and soon SHE claimed to be of the anointed. A few years later they both left the WTB&TS, and were spoken of in hushed "evil slave" tones.

    There were others even less memorable.

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