How much do the elders lie when the Overseer visits the Cong?

by Agent Smith 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Waymores Ghost
    Waymores Ghost

    I would say about as much as the dubs lie to the elders when they're turning in their time


  • Maverick

    Like any big business the image that is projected can be as important as the product or service being sold. And the WTS is a printing company that sells "God Insurance". It's all paper and promises! And they have to convince those that "buy " the policies that they have the big banker in the sky backing the paper they push! So they invent a unit of measure and tell the RF all the numbers are proof of the value of their BS! So they have to have some numbers that look good! If an honest audit was ever done I bet more than half of what the WTS claim is phantom. And of that half that is left most would be unproductive. In the real world they run a terrible business. If they were not subsidized with gifts and no taxes they would tank!

    It is the CO's job as corporate inspector to keep the numbers looking good! And make sure the money is going to headquarters! After all it's all about the money. Maverick

  • Thirdson

    I had temporary care of record cards and I made it a priority to get as many of the nearly inactive to report some time. Some felt they were unworthy to count what little they did but I told them that even the smallest contibution is appreciated (widow's mite etc) and every little bit counts as a bucket of water is still filled with droplets. I also knew that a large number in the congregation reported only a couple of hours each month and thus those that only managed to report a time every couple of months were not that much diferent. I didn't lie but I think some made up time just to appease me.

    But, I did remove the record cards of those who were inactive after a year. I didn't want the CO asking about some in the cong including my sister and BiL who were fading. I also destroyed some letters that came with records cards sent by other cong' elders. I know most of the elder body had read the letters but it was better to give them as clean a sheet as I could.


  • drawcad_1

    The big CO visit, what a crock. If this is not an organization made up of men, then why does everybody get giddy when a man shows up for a week? Meeting attendance is up. Everybody goes out in service, and time slots with the CO are given out like a lottery (Some people have even been happy that they won more than one slot in a visit). Elders show up at my door that barely even look at me during a meeting, to see if I have any problems. He gives special talks? Give me a break. They could not and are not any better than the talks that we usually have droned into our head, but we sure are glad that he gave us this great talk.

    Once he is gone and the dust has settled, Elder Betterthanthow will go back to his dysfunctional family and not talk to the spiritually weak. Time will go unreported, and so on. Sure am glad that we are not run by a man?s organization

  • orangefatcat

    I can't believe that you ex elders did such things. It sounds so underhanded. I would hate to have been in a situation where I was going to fudge or downright lie to the circuit overseer. I know I am far from perfect but I don't understand thats all. Did the body of elders comply together to make the congreations look better than what they really were? Now that I know this to be the case I am slightly appauled,or shocked but at the same time It doesn't suprise me that this sort of thing was going on. I know you had to be ship shaped for the COvisit. I knew that when the elders dropped by a week or two before the CO visit, I could see immediatley the insincereity of the elders during their visit. YOu could tell the visit wasn't out of true sincerity but more like a duty I would say. They would ask as you all said like, is there any problem you would like to discuss, or can we help you get out in the ministry more and then the second the CO goes, they don't give a damn about you. I truly once believed with all my heart that the truth was that the truth and everyone was honest and worked for the oneness of the congregation. I believed that we were doing all things for God's glory. My asperations of the WTS and the congregations I was in turned out to be the biggest disappointment to me. I must have been one hell of a gulliable JW. I remember how shortly before i left the organization the elders seemed always standoffish and seemed only to have time for no one in their lives except for those who had statis and upper class. I know I not fooling myself I seen it go on for years and years. But I just couldn't take the hypocrisy with the congregation as a whole. I became dissillusisoned when I seen the CO come to the hall and everybody was lovey dovey and the second he left no one gives a rats ass about you. Who are they trying to kid, themselves. No they were kidding with God. I had some strong friend ships in the hall and I miss those times , I was just starting to become a friend to a sister who was upset with the elders in the congregation. I really wanted to help and be there for her. But to be true to my self was more important as 38 years of misery was now far too much, I just couldn't take anyof it any more.

    I am not sitting here judging you ex elders please don't think that I am glad you are out of the organization too. Probably for the same reasons. You didn't want to lie or pertend to the congregation any more. I am pleased to know each of you through this forum.

    Oh please don't get me wrong I really appreciate your honesty for telling us the truth now, but I guess in my mind I can't phathom the lies. That is the disappointment. I don't care now, because I am out of the organization too. And I am not in any postion to judge any one for who am I, I too am a person who and is doing things that are a displeasure to God. I guess i am feeling saddened by the fact that at what levels some bodies of elders would go to to make everything look so perfect for the CO, DO and the Society itself.

    It is just a real eye opener and its too bad other JW can't see that the organization is made up of people who have facades. Some of us know how to be actors and actresses. It was like going to a show, knowing how the end of the movie would end. If every JW were to look inside of their hearts I am sure most would have to agree that they pretend alot to be something that they are not. How many go through the motions of pretending to be a good Christian. They are only fooling themselves and at the same time they are decaying away with some hatred and some are jealous that they can't leave the organization and they want to, but to save face is more important to them than it is to be honest with themselves. Producing anxiety and nerves and stress on their lives and the lives of their children. Yet they will continue for fear of what others may think. I know my family doctor, who told me quite frankly that many many of his JW patients wanted out of the Organization but were afraid of the reprecussions.

    "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to decive.

    Love Orangefatcat..

  • wednesday

    Probably it is more of a frantic elder being as creative as they can . They strong arm the irrg. pub by saying"surley u have spent at least 15 minutes talking to someone" and the person then reasons" well most likely i have" presto-we have time turned in. I'm sure they don't count me as an inactive publihser anymore, I'm non existent. So they can remove a lot of cards that way. They are pressured to look good, and while i doubt many set out to just outright lie, by rearanging a few things one could make a picture look better.

  • shamus

    The elders were not too happy when the C.O. found out what was happening with me, LOL! The C.O. chewed them out but good, LOL! I loved it.

    Yes, they do hide the truth. Sometimes, they get found out.

  • Gopher

    Companies like ENRON and WORLDCOM lied about their income and revenue to keep up appearances.

    The Watchtower Society and its associated member congregations (literature distribution groups) lie about their publisher count and hours to keep up appearances.

    They want to put a happy face on things. It's human nature, showing that it is a human organization.

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