Why are JW talks & publications never uplifting?

by thedepressedsoul 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tidalblitz

    It really is depressing that there isn't more of a discussion at the meetings. If something in the watchtower is confusing, why shouldn't we be able to get clarification right there at the meeting? Why can't there be an actual discussion instead of a question/answer.. I ask the question and you answer from the paragraph. What really is the point of the meeting then except for further indoctrination? So much importance is placed on meeting attendance but actual study is personal. Well, what if during my personal study, I come across a point that a healthy discussion would help to make clearer? Isn't that how the bible students started in the first place? A group of like minded individuals coming together to actually read and discuss the scriptures. Where a person's thoughts were considered, weighed, and commented upon without fear of repercussion?

    My how far the religion has strayed from it's roots. Even the apostles were encouraged by Jesus to ask him questions and they sure were not afraid to do so. Even Abraham was allowed to question God himself why he wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.

  • ballistic
    I started listening to a non-religious motivational speaker. I think someone on jwd recommended it. It is amazing how positive words can uplift, after a few sentences, I normally let off a huge involuntary breath and feel every muscle relax. I never experienced that as a witness. In, fact I started almost developing nervous ticks when they mentioned disfellowshipping and certain wrong doings from the platform. (I didn't develop them fully, but I could feel the tension and a nervous flinch), and these only happened at the hall.
  • BU2B

    In the past, there did seem to be SOME WT articles that didn't have an "angle".   They may have simply presented a biblical account or story, or highlighted christian conduct. 

    Ever since the "Study Edition" aka the "Kool-Aid" edition was released, the cult speak seems to have grown stronger, and the cries demanding obedience more frequent! 

    Since the rise of JW.org, simulcasted annual and zone meetings, JW broadcast etc, they have been transforming from a cult where the members didnt really know the leaders, to one where they are known by face and name, and revered by the sheep.  Much more creepy and idol like this way.  Seeing AMIII face on the Jumbotron at the DC was reminicient of 1984 and seeing Letts overexaggerated face was unsettling.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Here's a couple opinions I developed from working in the WT sausage factory:

    There were plenty of times that the elders and speakers were told to be uplifting and encouraging. But most of the time it was things like, "Look what good things you've done before based on your faith and obedience... now do more!" "Listen as I tell you how miserable you would be if it weren't for your faith and obedience to WT and its teachings." "Yes we're imperfect and deserve destruction, but Jehovah loves us anyway and will save us... if we just do a little more." It's like a toxic, abusive relationship where we're beaten savagely, but keep coming back because they tell us they love us.

    I think most of us relate to reading WT litteratrash and getting the feeling that everything we do and think is wrong, and there is so much more we need to do to be worthy of anything. But I've certainly encountered plenty of the WT leadership that read and hear the exact same stuff, but come away with the feeling that everything they do and think is right. I even told my parents that when I would read things Jesus said in the bible, I would feel like I have a lot to work on. But having known the GB, I reached the conclusion that these guys read the Bible and got the feeling, "Hey, I'm Jesus' brother. I can nibble a cracker and sip some wine, so I must be anointed. And since I'm anointed, everyone else should shut-up and listen to me!"

    And I told my parents I wouldn't buy a car from any of the new GB members. Here we are, worried if we're worthy to survive and have the privilege to dig graves after armageddon. Meanwhile, these guys are completely unworried and fully confident that they will be whisked up to heaven to sit on golden thrones and decide who of the rest of us will live or die.

    So the stuff that we read as JWs wasn't uplifting, but it is all very uplifting to the GB... who somehow manage to keep coming up with new interpretation of scripture that makes themselves even more important, all the freakin' time!

  • stuckinarut2

    DD  hit the nail on the head with his comment about the org being "ABUSIVE" .


  • Stirred

    I am totally with you on this.  I am trying to stabilize myself with positive messages and upbeat motivational reading.  Truly, even this site, at times, and ones like it sometimes cause me upset though no comparison to JWs.  

    I am raw from all the jw negative and find that i am so sensitive to it that the reaction I feel is tremendous agitation and or borderline anger.  I am literally getting "sick" of the boasters, guilt-tripping, shallowness, doom, judging ........I am starting to hate it and yet, i lack healthy replacement of structure at home and kids still miss it - aspects....like friends, singing, feeling like they are pleasing God by being there.


  • Finkelstein

     Mentally indoctrating people with images and thoughts of fear, death and judgment can make people anxious and depressed. Tell them that this is going to happen soon and human psychology responds.






  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Because it's all bull shit that's why. Lets face it there are only so many ways you can serve it up and none of them interesting or uplifting just boring anecdotal rehash of corporation inspired bull shit designed to enslave the reader into blind servitude.
  • AlwaysBusy
    @Stirred..... you know, that's exactly how I feel sometimes, and I don't even know why.  I think I reached my threshold. 61 years of meetings and studying, and, correctly stated, no uplifting or happy articles.  In fact, Sundays are my least favorite day... I  get stress headaches just thinking about the meetings. Two elders were at my house about 2 months ago, One of them opened the Bible, and I told him to close it and not read one word out of it. I shocked myself, because I love the Bible...but I couldn't stand it any longer, if you know what I mean.
  • jhine

    AlwaysBusy ,

    What a shame that the WTchtower has actually destroyed your love of the Bible  , and Stirred how awful that you now dread Sundays . The thing that is most upsetting is that they have also made you feel ,as with many others that it is the Watchtower or nothing . As people find out TTATT the one thing that does not seem to occur to them is the Watchtower had been lying about Christendom to keep you prisoner to them .I have said many times I have not come onto this forum to convert anyone but it does sadden me to read posts like yours and know that you can find the spiritual food you want elsewhere ,without the guilt trips , but have been made afraid to explore other options because of their lies ..


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