Unemployment Insurance Rant

by Euphemism 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Euphemism

    Gah! I just got off the phone with an unemployment claims examiner from the NYS Department of Labor, and I'm practically ready to blow a gasket.

    For most of last year, I was working for a small family business. It was registered as an LLC, with my parents owning 60%, and my brother and I each owning 20%. On December 1, I was laid off, and I applied for unemployment benefits. Although I'd lived in Idaho the last few months, I had been working over the 'net, and the company's office was in NY, so I had to apply there.

    A month later, I got a notice telling me that my claim was denied because I hadn't sent in a form regarding business and self-employment income. I had indeed sent the form, so I tried to call them to correct the mistake. I spent a week trying to contact the department on the phone, but I kept getting "call volume is too high, please call back later". So I wrote a letter.

    Last Friday, I finally got a voicemail in response to my letter. The claims examiner was out of the office sick on Monday and Tuesday; I finally got to talk to her today.

    And now she's decided that since I have a 20% membership stake in the company--even though I'm no longer involved in operations in any way, was never a corporate officer, and have no income from my stake--I'm not totally unemployed, and thus am not eligible for benefits.

    So now I've got to wait for her to mail me the official determination; mail back a request for a hearing; and wait for the hearing to be scheduled. In the meantime, I've been unemployed for two months, and I haven't seen a cent of unemployment benefits; I'm living on credit cards.

    May I scream?

  • Gretchen956

    Jeez, Euph! I'm sorry to hear about your unemployment. I was on it for 10 months and could only find temp work after that that pays 14k a year less than the job I lost. I hope you have better luck than that and SOON. I wish I could see some of this improvement in the economy they keep talking about. Seems to only be in the minimum wage range as far as I can see. Good luck with your hearing.


  • AnnOMaly
    May I scream?

    But of course. And not only scream, but have a tantrum, smash things, curse a lot and set fire to a phone booth.

    Don't forget to keep copies of everything you send through the mail, make sure that all mail is signed for at the other end, make meticulous written, dated records of every phone conversation with named officials.

    Someone gave me the idea to try switching your credit card balances to other new credit cards that are on offer of 0% (or very low %) for so many months, if you can.

    But I guess you know this already.

    I'm real sorry. It's one thing after another for you two.

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