The WTBS Inc. and ?.the iceberg

by MacHislopp 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    Your experience is exactly what I know.

    The WTBS is like a chamaeleon - changing its dress like the background is. They have for all things an answer but not for the own mistakes.

    It would suit fine to Jehovah's servant when he would confirm his mistakes instead of seeking the hail by escaping into proud answers.

    semper item this good for nothing slave.

    kind regards to the friends


  • xjw_b12

    Thanks again Mac.

    I always enjoying reading your "short" stories.

  • Loris

    " Since the slave class was loyally doing the Master's work at his invisible return in 1914 there is evidence that it was entrusted with enlarged responsabilities in 1919'

    This statement really gets under my skin. In 1914 the loyal Bible Students were trying to figure out what went wrong with their departure to heaven. They all believed that Jesus had arrived in 1874 or there abouts. Nobody and I repeat nobody was looking for Jesus to return in 1914.

    Between the death of CT Russell and 1919 there was a whole lot of in-fighting and power struggles. Feeding sheep was last on the list.

    Give me a break!

    Thanks MacHislopp for another well researched expose.


  • robhic
    " Since the slave class was loyally doing the Master's work at his invisible return in 1914 there is evidence that it was entrusted with enlarged responsabilities in 1919'

    Is it just me -- a non-JW -- but does "invisible return" and then the word "evidence" in the same sentence seem odd? If something was invisible (I mean, really invisible...) then how in the world do you get evidence ... of invisibility? Wouldn't something, somewhere be not invisible?


  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    by the way, I remember that the biblestudents during ww1 even were soldiers within the armies - so in Europe.

    what a brave slave who lets his brethren shoot in war. They sent letters and prnted matters to the soldiers on the front - their brothers who served in arms. yes yes. The slave was not found brave but lazy at this appropiate time I think.

    was me but dont wet my concsience

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    I meant "wash me but dont....."

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    These few lines , just to convey many thanks for all your kind and appreciative words.

    To: *Devon, Shotgun,, xjw_b12 , stillajwexelder?

    To *ellderwho ? I?m pleased for you ! -

    *Sng , I do agree with you that :

    « The evidence of a history of contradiction and deception

    is clear for anyone who is willing to consider it. «

    * yesidid ? Whenever I see a post started by you

    MacHislopp?. »

    Thanks a lot.


    * heathen , avery good point:

    ?? It's all classic mind control to attempt to divert attention from flaws in logic and re-enforce a sense of security? »

    *TheOldHippie : Your nice and kind comment made me feel a little unconfortable , because I do believe that I?m only sharing like all the other posters.

    *Andy (avengers) very truthful comments :

    « It's the WT who has! In order to cover up their shit they

    have to point the finger at us. »

    And also : « What better way to cover up is there than to blame your own brothers? «

    * klaus vollmer A good comment :

    « They have for all things an answer but not for the own mistakes. «

    and also the information :


    « I remember that the biblestudents during ww1 even were soldiers within the armies - so in Europe. «

    *Loris I?m glad that you did appreciate the quote and it is true that :

    « In 1914 the loyal Bible Students were trying to figure out what went wrong with their departure to heaven. They all believed that Jesus had arrived in 1874 or there abouts. Nobody and I repeat nobody was looking for Jesus to return in 1914. »

    *¨Robert : a logical observation

    « ?.If something was invisible (I mean, really invisible...) then how in the world do you get evidence ... of invisibility? Wouldn't something, somewhere be not invisible ?

    Thanking all of you you again for your time and attention,

    and hoping that the research will benefit others too,

    receive my greetings,


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    yes mac great work; since this is my favorite subject with my jw dad. for the last few years. and he started again yesterday morning with my non jw brother. when my brother called me on the phone ,dad was next to calling the police to screaming, to hiding in the bathroom , to turning red. in a hour phone call with my brother in the middle on the phone. and mom calling in the back ground the watchtower is more full of sh!t than pres clinton.. in just about every defense he had for his lord and savoir, the wts. we caught him in another lie. at least 50 times bareing faqlse witness in the name of god. after he started turning blue , b/c he could'nt answer a question about 1919. and how they were buying war bonds.etc i figured i would throw in the egyptian SUN GOD RA on most of their book till the 20's jesus really loved that !!!!! lol. i ended off with the creators promise that the generation that SAW THE EVENTS OF 1914 WILL LIVE TO SEE THE NEW SYSTEM. FROM EVERY AWAKE TILL OCT 1995 . and had my brother read it over and over to him. i only did that because that was my dad's favorite wt sales pitch even till a few years ago. he could go on for 30 minutes on the generation of 1914 stuff and stand there and laugh in your face if you didn't believe the words of jesus about the 1914 gen. well my bro. told me dad started dancing around the kitchen , after he lied and told us he never preached the 1914 generation...... i here he's still dancing around the kitchen table... john

  • Goshawk


    Thanks for the hard work compiling these items.

    I find it an appropriate analogy when you used the iceberg. Most of the mass of an iceberg is underwater and hidden from view. Such an example implies that the ?glittering white pinnacles? of truth are counterbalanced by the ?dark falsehoods? hidden from view.

    Keep up the good work.


  • badboy

    Did they have the Egyptian sun god RA on their front covers.



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