need input: why does my wife do this. when at the meeting she is always nodding her head in agreement

by goingthruthemotions 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Finkelstein

    The JWS have been known to nod when its procalmed that Jah will kill most the inhabiants of the world soon.

    Yes Jah bring on Armageddon, we separated are self by being a part and supporting your earthly publishing house as your loyal servants.

  • blondie
    Maybe she using the tic to keep from grimacing when something stupid is said.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Tim310rd:A sister in the mid-west congregation. She would speak out in agreement

    with the speaker, "you tell them brother, that's right, you are telling the truth".

    I think some of brothers enjoyed her feed back, someone was paying attention.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence
    I usually shake my head in disagreement at the meetings.
  • StarTrekAngel
    My wife does the same thing. It annoyed me at first but I payed closer attention and realized she only nodded at the things that actually matter. Regardless of our differences, I would not get annoyed if she does it when someone says "God is love". I realized she was agreeing with the statement, not with is misuse to manipulate people. Off course she does not see it any other way but at least she is not nodding in agreement when they talk about 1914. In fact, she has admitted before the she does not understand it.
  • Vidiot

    @ goingthruthemotions...

    Give it time.

    Inactivity / fading is a process.

  • steve2
    Self-talk when listening to what is being said by the brothers and sisters at meetings: "This is crap" . Are you sure she is not nodding to that?

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