I've often wondered.....

by Surreptitious 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Surreptitious

    What if one of these JW's that we talk about working with or living next to or whatever are actually fading or even posting on this forum? From outward appearances he/she would look like a JW and would be categorized as such. Take myself for example. There could easily be someone in my workplace that had been DF'd from years back in another town perhaps. Upon learning that I was a JW, they might run to this board and say "OMG! There's a dub in my office!" I would then read it having no idea that it was someone in my office, and they would have no idea I was reading it. Oh the irony.


  • stillajwexelder

    How amazing -- I was about to post something similar --my thoughts exactly

  • Elsewhere


    You wouldn't happen to work at the place that just fired me would ya? You know... the place where my supervisor was a JW.

  • gitasatsangha

    For that matter what if we have family who is still inside who are secretly reading this forum? My initial reaction would be COOL!, then I would have to check back in my post history and see if I said anything bad about them.

  • Purple

    Gosh these JW's are decepetive people arnt they? ALways doing the opposite of what the Borg tells them too!!! Next thing you know they'll all be disfellowshipped and out of the Borg and oh hang on Nip Tuck has just started so I've got to get my two hour feed of Julian McMahon a fellow ozzie and ohhhhh sooooooooooooooooooooooooo oh sorry what was the thread about???????????????

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