Educational achievement of JW's - statistics?

by somebodylovesme 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Well sure you can score high on a reading test or know how to read very well and even comprehend, but where does that get you? Answering more questions during the meetings that's what! I'll give you an example. My mother just as of the past year or something decided to go to school...sheesh...over fifty and just now deciding its OK or something she should persue. Why is that? Because although intelligent, life choices tend to make people think otherwise. Hmm...lets see...good at following orders, knows how to read, make great sales people, can interact well one on one with people...ya great employees not great minds, or even ones that actively persue their potential.


    District overbeer

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Thanks bebu...

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