Why does God allow people to develop 'forbidden' special powers?

by SM62 197 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus


    Yes, that is very interesting. As much as we would like to view stuff like that personally, imo, there is no need to expose your son to skeptics and ghost busters.


  • LittleToe

    Does God or the bible forbid such things?
    I think, like many things, it is the use to which they are put that the bible is restrictive of.

    Bear in mind that this was a nation that had the Urim and the Thummim, lots of prophets and dreamers, and recorded healings and resurrections. These things were attributed to God, but often given little further explanation.

    I'm glad that you accept that there are inexplicable things. Before that comment you were starting to get my goat.

    Why is it that rationalists and scientists have less trouble saying, "I don't know" than metaphysicians do?

    How many of each category of person do you know?
    All the metaphysicians that I've ever met have been happy to accede that they are ignorant of certain things, yet like the scientist, it drives them onward.

    Even inanimate objects comprise of energy, and also interact with living beings. Might I postulate that when we touch things we leave behind more than just heat and a fingerprint.

    Interesting tales. Thanks for sharing.
    It's funny how detractors suddenly go into hiding when some serious anecdotal evidence looms.

    LT of the "seen and done too much of that stuff to deny it" class

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    All the metaphysicians that I've ever met have been happy to accede that they are ignorant of certain things,

    They are ignorant of far more than they are willing to admit.

    I like what Lao-Tzu said: "He who knows doesn't speak, and he who speaks doesn't know."

    When these guys derive their living from playing to the weaknessess of others, I describe them as parasitic metaphysicians.

    Perhaps you can share with me some of the great contributions metaphysicians have made to mankind's progress? It will be a short list.

  • LittleToe


    You show me yours, I'll show you mine, after all I asked first.
    Besides, I doubt you know any Metaphysicians...

  • Satanus


    Isaac newton was an alchemist. He gave us newtonian physics.

    Not sure if nicola tesla would fit the metaphysician mould, but he subscribed to the hindu prana energy ideas. In inventing and ac generators and motors, he visualised the thing working in much detail before he built it. He held the patent for a first transistor device, beat marconi in inventing radio transmission, invented remote control, scalar wave tech, our present form of electricity in our homes, and a lot of other stuff. The american military grabbed most of his notes.

    Then of course, there is the mystery school mathematician pythagorus, who gave us some of our geometry. He thought that all things were made of numbers.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    SS (my doppelganger!) -

    Yes, Isaac Newton was an alchemist, Tesla had some inaccurate ideas about the nature of energy, and Pythagoras was a numerologist.

    Every person is a product of their place and time.

    and yet, newtonians physics is not based on alchemical theories, Tesla's inventions do not demonstrate the existence of prana or the aether, and I cannot cause things to appear from nothing by chanting numerical axioms.

    There is such a thing as the rational imagination, and it was the rational imagination that led to the discovery of the laws that govern the real world.

    If a painter builds a doghouse, would you tell me that since he is a painter, the doghouse must be a painting?

    Little Toe -

    You've got me. I don't kknow any people at all, anywhere. Therefore there must be an invisible immaterial world populated with monsters and intelligent non-corporeal beings. You've won by force of sheer logic!

  • SM62

    Mac - your son sounds amazing. That is exactly what I am talking about. He has this 'special' sort of sense, but it isn't harming anyone and definitely is not evil. So why do Christians and the Bible frown on such things. If you told a JW what your son can do, they would freak out!

    As I said, there are so many things that go on that cannot be explained. The people I have spoken to who have experienced really weird things have no reason to lie. They just aren't like that. One of them was a real sceptic and didn't believe in anything - and yet he saw his dead brother - he swears he saw him - he hadn't been thinking about him or anything and he wasn't dreaming - he was at home and his brother just appeared to him. Was he mad or lying?

    I wish I could see auras - I can't see anything - I have tried. I don't have any strange experiences or tales to tell because I have never had a supernatural experience - but that doesn't mean I doubt all those who say they have. I wish I did have a strange story to tell you all - I must be so boring - but I am intrigued by this subject. I don't think you can put all these sightings down to vivid imaginations or dreams or tricks of the light.

    Terri - still keeping an open mind

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    there is definitely something out there.

    I was silly enough to do a Ouija board once in a flat where I lived and we supposedly contacted the spirit of someone killed quite violently. Ever since that day the flat had cold spots and an atmosphere which was threatening and uncomfortable. Things went missing and on several occasions things were moved to different places in the room. Once or twice this happened with just myself in the flat so it wasn't down to someone playing silly buggers. The incident that freaked us out most, and led to us leaving the flat was when my brother went down two flights of stairs to the loo and some thing banged on the door and told him to get a move on. This was in a totally empty house where we were the only people there.

    My ex has also seen the ghost of my mother on several occasions and my wife (who is very sensitive to these things) has felt a presence a couple of times when wierd shit has happened and I've inexplicably avoided harm. Personally I would like to believe but I've still got a healthy edge of scepticism as I haven't actually seen anything apart from the ouija incident which would give me beleivable evidence of something beyond normal explaination, but then I am an engineer and am inclined to only believe things when they have smacked me in the face.

  • Sirona


    Auras? I think most people can see them. But it's probably not what you think. When you stare (directly or indirectly) at an object, epecially when it contrasts greatly with the background, retinal fatigue starts to kick in. This causes the object to be slightly visible (for a brief moment) even when you close your eyes. It also causes an apparent "field" to grow around the object. This only works when you keep your eyes stationary. If you move them, the object is moved to a different part of your retina and you have to stare at it for a while before the "aura" will reappear.

    I can see auras and this is not what auras look like. I admit that there is the eye fatigue effect, but that isn't the aura and that isn't what people mean when they talk about seeing auras. When I see an aura, I can move my eyes around easily whilst looking at it, I can walk around the person, they can move, whatever. The aura sometimes shimmers and moves, but usually it is like a second skin extending inches from their body. This isn't the eye effect you are talking about. I'm not ruling out some other biological cause (something with my eyes?), but I know that you misrepresent it here by suggesting that its purely retinal fatigue.


  • Sirona


    In answer to your question I do not think that God condemns such things. The BIBLE has something to say on the subject and in my opinion the bible is not 100% true. It contains some "truths" recognised by men, but should not be taken literally - it is the work of men, after all (and we all know it would have been better written by women. lol )

    I'd say take another look at what the bible does and does not condemn. I will provide some links...


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