I look at it in terms of infinite probability/chaos. If you cast aside all the ways in which our mind and senses construct reality, even concepts such as something and nothing, you come to a state of emptiness where the potentiality is endless and cannot be comprehended through rational thinking. An interesting fact to consider is that if I were to hold up two hands, and say the space between them was 2 feet, I would be wrong. It I were to say it was "roughly" two feet, if would be correct, but only from the standpoint of a mind that cannot comprehend The All, and must therefore define a finite part of it through mathematics. The space between my hands is actually something like 2.1010194322924857496745967549574957945675957459574948...well, you get the idea. The reason we, and the universe, exist at all, is because a specific part of that infinite chaos crystallizes due to conscious will, becoming aware of only one part of the Infinite. This consciousness seeks to expand itself, ever learning and growing. This is why we feel that there must be a sense of purpose to our lives, that there is love inherent in our existance. One might wonder where consciousness comes from, but since consciousness would be factored into infinite probability, it would eventually arise in some manner. Besides, consciousness is very hard to pin down, as at this point we can only understand it through our limited senses.
I know that this doesn't totally answer the question, since you could very well ask why infinite probability/chaos exists. Well, concepts such as something and nothing are both definitions and limitations in and of themselves, and thus can never grasp the Infinite.
A pleasant thought, and I do believe that Will and Wisdom are part of our existance, but ask yourself this question, why does Jehovah exist in the first place?