Have you ever had something just hit you like a box of rocks?

by dustyb 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • dustyb

    I was thinking today inside the Kingdom Hall (because they were still talking about obeying Mosaic Laws, and obediance and law was above all other), and i got to thinking, why does my girlfriends mom hate me. my girlfriend is allowed to talk to her friend (lets call him boy 1), her other friend (boy 2), but not me. why?? because she's being deceiving!!! muhaha. I had to get that out because thats what it is, she is trying to hide the truth from my girlfriend.....wow

    ok, i'm done venting, don't bother posting unless you wanna

  • Nosferatu

    It's probably because of the paranoia JWs have about pre-marital sex.

  • dustyb

    pre-marital sex maybe, but its been this way all our lives....i've hardly ever been able to talk to my girlfriend even before when she wasn't my girlfriend...... so i'm ruling out pre-marital sex. i think that her mom is trying to hide something else.....

  • shamus

    You need to move out and get out of that crap. See what real people are like in the real world, and not transfixed on a destructive mind-consuming cult.

    Making sense of double standards is impossible and not advisable. I wouldn't bash my head against the wall.

  • Elsewhere

    I was once hit by a box of bolts... does that count?

  • Nosferatu

    Okay, I just read one of your other posts. Sounds like you're just studying right now. It also sounds like you're studying just because your girlfriend is a JW. Am I correct?

    If I am correct, you have 2 things working against you at this moment.

    1) You're still worldly. You're not a JW because you're not baptized. It just so happens that I have my handy-dandy WT CD in the drive. Here's something from the incredibly stupid Family Happiness book, page 31:


    The Bible tells us that the man was created with attributes that would make him a successful family head. As such, the man would be responsible before Jehovah for the spiritual and physical well-being of his wife and children. He would have to make balanced decisions that reflect Jehovah’s will and be a good example of godly conduct. "Let wives be in subjection to their husbands as to the Lord, because a husband is head of his wife as the Christ also is head of the congregation." (Ephesians 5:22, 23)

    You need to be a strong spiritual head. Now, you can't be spiritually strong unless you're Baptized, attending all the meetings, and going out on Field Service.

    I took the following from the other stupid book "Young People Ask- Answers that don't Work" page 258:

    Many young Witnesses of Jehovah become full-time evangelizers after finishing school and desire to continue serving in that way after marriage. Now is the time for the two of you to make sure your spiritual goals are compatible.

    So, this is what her mother is looking for in her daughter's future husband. You don't fit that description.

    2) Again, the pre-marital sex scare. Here's another quote from that YPA book page 226-228

    But therein lies a big problem with teenage dating: Teenagers are just beginning to learn how to control these sexual feelings. True, you may well know God’s laws regarding sex and you may sincerely desire to remain chaste. (See Chapter 23.) Even so, a biological fact of life comes into play: The more you keep company with a member of the opposite sex, the more sexual desire can grow—whether you want it to or not. (See pages 232-3.) It is the way all of us are made! Until you are older and more in control of your feelings, dating may simply be too much for you to handle. Unfortunately, many youths find this out the hard way.

    So, you have the problem of your manly desires. Therefore, you're f***ed until you get baptized, go door to door, attend all the meetings, and get married. Her mother knows about your manly desires and your spirituality, and she's protecting her daughter from you.

  • dustyb

    btw, i've been a JW all my life and left a few years ago and came back (not for her, but because i thought i left for the wrong reasons). Now i'm just reading and such and listening and observing and studying with an elder a few times a month. no i'm not baptized because i don't belive in sitting in front of a body of elders and being asked dumb questions for loyalty to the organization...doesn't cut it for me.

  • shamus

    Good! You need to leave that as soon as possible. Don't ever get baptized. You'll be okay, then.

  • Purple

    Does my husband pulling me backwards off a chair then hopping on top to strangle me and bash the daylights out of me count? Not only did it end my relationship and eventually marriage but my faith and trust in anyone is gone to!

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