Satan, Serpents, Seraphs, Dragons... and Wisdom

by AGuest 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    I would like to interject independently of a thread below, where the debate is Satan being God's 'wife'... and therefore, wisdom.

    1. Satan... was ONE of the 'cherubs' that was 'covering' the Ark of the Covenant. Michael is the OTHER 'arkangel', and both were created to 'cover' the Propitiatory... which 'covers'... the Ark.

    Exodus 25:17-22
    Ezekiel 28:14, 17
    1 John 2:2
    Jude 9

    2. The arkangel Michael's voice is like a trumpet. However, my Lord's voice is like my Father's... the sound of many waters. He is the one who ALWAYS 'goes before' my Lord, to announce his arrival, and he is the one appointed to 'reveal' what has been given HIM... to us.

    Revelation 1:10, 12, 15
    Revelation 4:1
    Revelation 1:1

    2. The Ark of the Covenant, represents 'Sarah', the 'free-wife' of my Father, JAH OF ARMIES, whose name is "Jerusalem Above". It is from HER womb that 'creation' came to be. She is 'wisdom'... for God created all things... OUT OF WISDOM.

    Galatians 4:22-26
    Revelation 12:1-6
    Isaiah 54:1-8
    Proverbs 9:1-6
    Proverbs 8:22-24

    4. Both Satan and Michael are cherubs... or SERAPHS (saraphs)... which are 'fiery serpents'. They are also 'dragons', which is what a serpent... WITH WINGS AND LEGS... is. Just so you know, my Lord... in the spirit... ALSO appears this way, as does my Father. That is why Moses made a COPPER SERPENT and told the people to gaze at IT. The difference is that both Michael and Satan were made more BEAUTIFUL in appearance than my Lord, who was made plain in appearance. They were/are 'brilliant'... whereas he has no appearance to be 'desired'. It was Satan's haughtiness over his own beauty... that more of my Lord's... that caused his heart to ruin.
    Satan is not called the 'original' dragon, nor the 'archaic' as in 'old'. He is the ARKAIC dragon, one of the ORIGINAL SERAPHS OF THE ARK. He, too, was an 'arkangel'.

    Numbers 21:8
    Genesis 3:14
    Daniel 10:6
    Revelation 1:15
    Revelation 12:9

    In our 'world', dragons 'breathe' fire. However, in the SPIRIT realm, it is my Father, JAH OF ARMIES, that does such. Because He is the GREATEST 'seraph'... or 'fiery serpent'.

    Psalm 18:6, 8, 10
    Revelation 20:9
    2 Kings 1:10
    1 Kings 18:38

    5. ALL heavenly creatures have wings. We have been MISLED, however, to believe that such wings are the wings of birds. They are not. They do not have 'feathers'. This misinterpretation was born of the Hebrew and Greek words meaning 'flesh eating flying creatures', which earthling man, because of his limited knowledge, mistranslated into 'birds of prey' and then mistranslated THAT into 'eagles'... or ospreys, vultures, etc.

    But spirit beings DO have wings, they DO fly... and they do eat flesh: the 'leaves' from the Tree of Life. However, in TRUTH, they do not look like 'earthling' men with wings of birds. In fact, THREE of the four living creatures, do not look like MEN... at all... but like the creations that they represent (bull/domestic animal; lion/untamed beasts; eagle or flying creature/all flying creatures of the 'heavens'; man's/earthling man). Every creation that has a 'covenant' with my Father... has a representative.

    Psalm 78:25
    Numbers 11:6
    John 6:32, 35, 51, 55
    Genesis 9:10-16

    The PROBLEM is that we, 'earthling' man, with our limited knowledge, understanding... and SIGHT... are trying to make God, Christ, and spirit beings into OUR 'image'... rather than allow ourselves to be returned to existing... IN THEIRS. Why? Because... SATAN KEEPS TRANSFORMING HIMSELF INTO AN ANGEL LIGHT... and trying to get us to transform ourselves into HIS 'image'... one of PHYSICAL beauty!

    But it is not in the spirit realm as it is here. Here... we strive... some with all of our MIGHT... to be beautiful, yes... ON THE OUTSIDE. But for the most part, to my Father, my Lord and those who still reside in the spirit realm, 'earthling' man is HIDEOUS... on the INSIDE! There, however, there is no beautiful outward appearance among beings, for their 'beauty'... is INSIDE.

    I will tell you what I saw:

    After asking me if I COULD truly 'reside' with him, I was taken by my Lord to his 'dwelling place' and placed on the outside... looking in. What I saw were MYRIADS of beings, ranging in height from about one foot... to about 9 feet. They were not limited in that height, however, and could 'transform' into whatever size they wished. There APPEARANCE, however, was... and the CLOSEST I could describe it to you... and this is NOT accurate... was 'gargoylish'. Yet, my Lord told me that they were NOT 'gargoyles', for gargoyles sit on their haunches. These stood upright... and they were MAGNIFICENT, from the smallest to the tallest.

    As I watched, they were 'eating' something, which I later understood to be 'manna'... or the 'leaves' of the Tree of Life. However, when they ate, what they ate completely dissipated WITHIN them, and became a PART of them... and they grew in strength from it. Also, I could see right INSIDE of them... and they had no internal 'organs'. They were all 'transparent', no as in 'ghostly', but in that if I 'wished', I could see what was inside them... everything... including their thoughts and emotions. But there were no organs.

    I was not afraid and after some time, I was permitted to step INTO the group. And the 'welcome' I received was... overwhelming. One and all, they turned their attention to ME... and one and all... FOCUSED their full attention... on loving and protecting... ME. Everyone one of them. I KNEW... without a doubt, that these would let NO harm come to me, from among them or from outside them. All they EXISTED for... was to provide me with a form of love I had never experienced before. And they also had it for one another. And like I said, there were 'myriads' of them. But their 'emotion'... was one and in unison.

    At some point, however, my Lord permitted me to have a 'bad' thought. He said he was 'showing' me something. As immediately as that thought arrived, EVERY being there... GASPED... together in one breath... as if, well, just HORRIFIED that such a 'thing' had come into existence among them... and they ALL turned to look at me, and I could hear their 'spirits' ask, in unison, "Who had brought this among us?" I IMMEDIATELY felt ashamed, emabarrassed, horrified at myself, for bringing such 'filth' among such innocent spirits. I BEGGED my Lord to remove it. And he did. And they went RIGHT back to extolling love upon me as they did in the beginning, without missing a beat. But while I had the 'bad' thought, they could NOT... and would not even come near me. I felt more isolated in that one moment, than I had ever felt my entire life.

    I thought that perhaps these beings were incapable then of meteing out any kind of justice (you know, avenging God, etc.), until at some point, I heard a voice direct some of them to some other place. Then about five of them 'changed'... they were no longer the loving creatures that they HAD been... but took on the appearance of, well, 'men on a mission' (but still 'gargoylish')... and immediately revealed wings and flew away. I KNEW inside me that they were going to carry out some task that called for 'battle' or something like that. Actually, 'battle' is incorrect, for I knew that these WOULD win whatever it was they were going to do. Because I could wonder any longer, however, they were back... in an instant... and back within the group showing love toward me and all. I then realized that in and of themselves they did not have the capacity to mete out justice, but if given the COMMAND... immediately obeyed.

    Back to the 'gargoyle' appearance: my Lord then reminded me that there were others who had seen such creatures, and it is for that very reason that such creatures, as far as man can replicate them, are stationed atop castles and cathedrals the world over, supposedly to 'protect' these structures and those within their walls, from 'evil'. He said, however, that such creatures were public servants and not to be 'venerated' as man had done some centuries before.

    Back to the issue of appearance: that 'issue'... outer beauty versus INNER beauty, is what started the problem between Satan and my Father and His Son. Although beautiful in FORM, Satan was not given a position that HE felt worthy of that beauty, but on subjective to one much plainer in appearance than he. He came 'haughty'... lifting HIMSELF up, over the One appointed ABOVE him.

    There is a REASON, dear ones, that my Father resides in 'unapproachable light', and why no man can see Him... and live. And it is NOT because the light is so 'bright'... or because He is SO beautiful in appearance. It is QUITE the opposite. But you have been misled into following that which can see, and put your faith in the DESIRE... of the eyes. When you learn, however, that 'all that glitters is NOT gold', and that some of the most PRECIOUS metals are some of the most plain... you will be one step closer to understanding and SEEING... the kingdom of God.

    For that which has NOT been related to you is what you will see... and it ain't 'pretty'... at least, not on the OUTSIDE. For JAH does not SEE what is on the outside, but sees what is on the INSIDE. And while the OUTSIDE of spirit beings may be undesireable to OUR eyes... what is on the inside is of a beauty that CANNOT be described.

    I speak to you truth, for I, myself, SJ, have seen them.

    Your servant, servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a slave of Christ,


  • logical

    That was a strange story.

  • AGuest

    Dearest Logical... may you have peace!

    It was not a 'story'. Tell me, have you looked up the scriptures and verses quoted? Have you looked up the meaning of the word 'seraph'? What does a serpent with legs and wings look like? What does a 'dragon' WITHOUT legs and wings look like? Do the original Hebrew and Greek words indicate 'eagles' or birds of prey? Or do they translate literally into 'flesh eating flying creatures'? Where do we get the assumption that the wings are BIRD wings? Are they said to have feathers anywhere?

    As humans, we have contrived and contrived to have my Lord look like us... in OUR image... rather than we in his. Heck, we've even gone so far as to have him depicted with BLONDE hair and BLUE eyes. Yet, the hair of spirit beings is white and their eyes are ORANGE... 'fiery colored'!

    Revelation 1:14
    Daniel 10:6

    I did not tell you a story; I told you what I saw... and provided 'scriptures' to corroborate it. All of the major prophets, including John, saw things that in THIS system of things are difficult to describe... and even more difficult for folks to put their faith in. But I have been shown such things, in order to relate it to those here who DO have such faith, and have stated it in the same way as those before me.

    What I saw was not 'strange' at all. It was indeed DIFFERENT from what has been REcounted to us up to this time by 'men' who deem to interpret and translate what others wrote that they saw. But it is as stated at Isaiah 52:15:

    "... he will likewise STARTLE... MANY nations
    (so this could NOT have been talking about only
    the Jews). At HIM kings will shut their mouth,
    because... what had NOT been recounted to them
    they will actually see, and to what they had NOT
    heard, they must turn their consideration."

    Just as the Jews were expecting someone tall in stature and handsome and vigorous as their messiah, but got instead a small, tiny many who appeared sickly, as a leper even... so, too, earthling man is expecting this magnificently BEAUTIFUL being to return and 'save' them. They are in for a shock!

    For my Lord is NOT the one whose heart 'became haughty BECAUSE of his BEAUTY', for my Lord is not the one that POSSESSED such beauty. It was the Adversary who made in such grand splendor, and his attention to that splender caused his heart to ruin. My Lord, on the otherhand, was humble, meek and has 'no appearance so that we would desire him.'

    Earthling man, however, has been fooled and misled into worshiping that which feeds 'the desire of the eyes'. Even, too, many of the chosen ones, after having been warned that such desire... 'originates with the world'... have spent countless hours and exorbitant amounts of money... trying to BEAUTIFY themselves and their surroundings and environment... because of 'the desire of the eyes'. Their eyes NEED to be stimulated... need 'eye candy'.

    And many of such ones are going to have an extremely difficult time getting into the kingdom... because you CANNOT walk by sight there. You MUST 'walk by faith'... and by 'spirit'. You must be like Adam and Eve were BEFORE eating from the Tree of Knowledge and having their 'eyes' opened, before seeing what they COULD not handle... their OWN 'nakedness' and therefore having to hide.

    And it is not easy! When my Lord FIRST showed me his appearance, as I've told others, I thought I would have a heart attack! I was NOT ready! But over time, he has appeared gradually, to prepare me for the full view. By the time this took place, I COULD handle it... and live. But I have NOT seen the face of my Father... and KNOW that where I am right now, I could not do so... and live. My flesh simply could not handle it.

    Don't be misled, Logical. Many on earth are keeping their sight trained on what appears 'desirable' to the eyes. And some have fooled themselves into thinking that they can do that... and STILL gaze upon my Lord when he arrives. That will not be possible. The transition will be positively too great. If they can't handle him now, they certainly won't be able to handle it then. They will then cry out to the mountains to "Fall over us!" because of an inability to handle the sight.

    Many would think that I have it backward, but indeed, it is 'earthling' man and his 'desire of the eyes' that have it backward. The 'beauty' that we will see when my Lord arrives will NOT be that which is on the outside... but that which is on the INSIDE. And if we want to BE 'like him', then we too much learn to put WAY less emphasis on the outside... and MUCH more on what is on the inside. Because we WILL be turned 'inside out'. It is NOT what we are on the outside that is going to be examined and judged.

    It is what we are on the INSIDE. And it is THAT that is going to be 'brought to the light', 'unhidden'... and exposed. I HOPE we are all ready.

    May you have peace!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • logical


    Thanks for taking time to post that.

    Sorry if I offended by calling it a "strange story", it is definitely strange though, to me anyway.

    I'll look deeper into what you wrote. It is very interesting. I do understand and agree with what you are saying about our inner and outer appearances.

    I'll add more soon.

  • pomegranate

    Strange ain't the's the dark raising it's ugly head.


  • eeyore

    Why do you call it "...dark raising it's ugly head"?

  • pomegranate

    Col 2:17-19
    18 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions. 19 He has lost connection with the Head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.

  • Larsguy

    Very interesting. I have no real comment other than you caused me to think about Jesus being the <u>copper</u> serpent at the second coming and this might have a subtle reference to his complexion, being dark but not took dark, specifically copper colored.

    Ordinarily I wouldn't bother commenting on this since that is even a bit speculative even for me, except it's confirmed and implied elsewhere in scripture, namely the prophecy about the "7 times" which shows the chopped-down tree being banded with two bands, specifically one of iron and one of copper, and specifically in that order.

    When applied to the first and Second Coming, both occurring in the flesh, this may reflect the complexion or racial nature of the Messiah each time; the first being fair-skinned and Jewish, the second being copper-colored.

    Taking that reference to reflect a reference to the striking physical appearance of the Messiah at the second coming, depicting him as a copper serpent is prophetic of his general nature and appearance at the second coming. So the fact that it is a copper-colored serpent simply shows the Bible did make a representation consistent with the complexion of the Messiah at the second coming, which would be on eof dark skin.

    Again consistent with this we see in Revelation the hint that the second coming Messiah would have dark skin when we find the vision of the Messiah with feet of "copper color".

    It think it is worth at least considering this consistency with the complexion of the Messiah for the second coming since the Bible seems to be at least reflecting on the CONTRAST here of the second comnig with the first. That specific reference, of course, relates to the fact that the Messiah at the second coming would not be visibly Jewish, but would be a person of undistinguished ancestry like Melchisedek. A person who is both a king and a priest, but not of the tride of Levi and specifically not of confirmed Jewish ancestry which is the critical point since we know the first coming necessarily showed the Messiah coming through the Jews and through the royal line of King David.

    Anyway, perhaps you'd like to comment on that consistency; Jesus' feet being copper colored, meaning he is copper-complected, at least at the second coming. Also the second band on the chopped down tree of the "7 times" prophecy relating to the Messiah is specifically different than the first, copper vs iron. And also the serpent that would be raised up again specifically at the second coming is a copper serpent, thus a subtle prophecy that the Messiah would be a dark-complected person who must be looked to for salvation and healing at the end times.

    That is, those anointed ones or astute Biblical persons who realize that the Messiah would arrive in the flesh and wanted to know what he looked like would find this consistency as a clue to his actual appearance and skin tone. For those who have other ideas about the second coming this would not make much of a point. Just commenting.

    Thanks for your post.


  • AGuest

    Uh, 'Pom?

    I think you are misinterpreting... and misapplying Colossians 2:17. Otherwise, you might want to throw out the Prophets and the entire Revelation.

    What Paul and Timothy were SAYING is not to listen to those who judge based... on SIGHT. Apparently, some were stumbled by what others were eating and drinking and celebrating, and trying to APPEAR pious by revering angels... rather than glorifying the 'head' of the Body, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... would 'refrain'... and even 'fast' so that their OUTWARD appearance was that of righteousness.

    Were it as you suggest, then Paul/Timothy would have been speaking about ones who were SHOWN things, and thus SAW things, by means of Christ... and were now condemning them for telling about it. In that case, the Christ... would be 'divided'. But... he is not. Indeed, we are told to weep with those who weep... and REJOICE... with those who rejoice.

    I beg you... take a moment to read the CONTEXT of what a writer is saying. In some cases, you can do that by simply reading around the verse in mind. But in a LOT of cases, you have to read the entire CHAPTER... if not the entire BOOK. I would exhort you to do so, for failing to is one way we are misled by those who take it upon themselves to interpret scripture... or recount what a first century writer meant... when indeed 'interpretation belongs to God'.

    In that light, I leave with the words of Paul/Timothy at Colossians 3:1 and 2:

    "IF, however, you were raised up with the Christ,
    go ON seeking... THE THINGS ABOVE, where the Christ
    is seated at the right hand of God. KEEP YOUR MINDS
    FIXED... on the things ABOVE... NOT on the things
    upon the earth."

    I have done 'just so'... and have related to YOU the 'joy' that I experienced in doing it.

    I bid you peace, and remain,

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Dearest LG... may you have peace!

    I must say that I find it quite interesting that you went into detail with regard to the reference of 'copper' in my Lord's coloring... but made absolutely NO mention of the fact that it WAS... a copper 'serpent' that Moses 'lifted' up... and that Israel was to gaze at... WITHOUT TURNING AWAY... in order to 'keep living'.

    Seems to ME, that if serpents in and of themselves were so 'vile', my Father would not have directed Moses to make one, lift it up and have the people keep their sight trained on it for salvation. What's the catch?

    That the people were bitten by, that Satan IS, and that the Pharisees were referred to as... 'vipers'... POISONOUS serpents. Death-dealing.

    And yet, there ARE serpents that are NOT 'poisonous'... are there not? Indeed, dear one... there are.

    Things that make you go 'hmmmmm'...

    Again, I bid you peace,

    A slave of Christ,


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