322 million cells in a quart

by Satanus 15 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Abaddon

    Wonderful comment by tabarugonzo there; by showing just how far you lmiss the point you are more informative than you could otherwise ever be...

  • cypher50
    Did you count them yourself or did you have someone else do it for you? I think you miss counted. You better do a recount just to make sure. So I guess that Jesus was wrong in approving a child getting milk from its mother. But of course you are much smarter than Jesus himself right? Finally we found someone who is smarter than the Son of God.

    Well, I don't remember Jesus telling anyone to abstain from blood transfusions. Of course, James latered mentioned abstaining from eating blood but science has established that blood acts like a carrier (it doesn't nourish the body like food and a transfusion is just like an organ transplant). Plus, Paul's comments on conscience at Romans 8 (involving a situation that James also advised Christians to avoid) shows that James' previous warning wasn't actually a commandment (like the WTBTS makes it). So, no one is saying that they are smarter then Jesus...just smarter then the current Governing Body's stance on the matter.

  • Satanus

    It's called somatic cell counts, abreviated to scc. http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/ansci/dairy/as1131w.htm

    Conducting Milk Quality Tests

    Bulk Tank Milk Tests

    Regulatory tests are conducted in laboratories operated by state departments of health or equivalent agencies or in laboratories approved by these agencies. The PMO indicates that milk from all herds will be tested at least four times in any six-month period. Somatic cell counts are determined almost exclusively by electronic counting methods using a series of milk samples with varying cell concentrations. Cell numbers in the standards are determined by the direct microscopic method and the cell count is referred to as the direct microscopic somatic cell count (DMSCC). The DMSCC method is considered the standard method to which all other cell counting methods are compared. Even with calibrated machines there is approximately 15% error in any single number generated. A 15% error means that a cell count of 100,000 cells/ml could really be anywhere between 85,000 and 115,000 cells/ml.

    Individual Cow Tests

    Individual cow SCC are most frequently determined in DHI laboratories, but independent laboratories do offer this service. Cells are counted electronically, generally using a Fossomatic machine. The DHI-SCC program generally reports the values as the Linear Score, but some report the value as thousands of cells (i.e. 100,000 = 100). The scale for linear score is from 0 to 9, where a linear score of 4 is equal to 200,000 cells/ml and linear score 6 is equal to 800,000 cells/ml. The linear score is preferred as it can be related directly to production losses. Each increase of 1 in linear score corresponds to a doubling of SCC and a milk loss of 400 lbs/lactation (1.5 lbs/day) on second lactation or older animals and 200 lbs/lactation (.75 lbs/day) on first lactation animals.

    High SCC quarters can be determined at cow side using the California Mastitis Test (CMT). The CMT test is an estimate of the SCC.

    Scc 322,000 per ml was the usa national average for 2001. A thousand millilitres makes one litre, which is approximately the same as a quart. Here is a us govt site w charts for each state. Pretty smart huh? http://www.aipl.arsusda.gov/publish/dhi/current/sccrpt.htm


  • MacHislopp


    many thanks for the interesting information...

    it will be used at the first occasion!

    Btw, thanks also for the precious www' s link,

    where it is stated:

    "...Somatic cell counts (SCC) are a measure of mastitis in a dairy herd.

    The SCC will increase in a quarter as a result of an infection. The increase

    represents white blood cells entering the quarter to fight the infection.

    The bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) reflects the total number

    of infected mammary quarters in the herd that are actually being milked into the tank. "

    Very, very interesting ideed.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Satanus


    You're welcome. Hmmm. So, those charts in the latter url are of individual cows, then. It seems the btscc are often higher.


  • Rabbit

    Blood Cells in Mothers milk ?? Well, I guess we ALL partook of blood when we were nursed as babies, huh ?

    And, er, well did any of you guys partake after your wife gave birth ?? Mmmmmmmm....Got Milk...?

    Can't nurse anymore...damn !

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